for the most part 2 people tie for 3rd in japanese tourneys since theyre single elim, so a lot of people just leave them out. and if they dont do that, people usually just give 3rd place to whoever lost to the first place guy, which is just as lame. in the cvs2 tourney nakanishi and the other guy actually played out the 3rd place match so thats why i posted it up
What are the results from marvel i heard taka beasting on everyone
Support someone who doesnt support the US scene? Fuck that shit, he’s a cocksucker, and he proves that in his actions. Dont give that “deep down he’s nice and humble blah blah” circle jerk bullshit, people dont like him for a reason. You obviously DO like him(maybe too much), so leave it be, people have reasons for not liking him, and now I have a reason for disliking you, so shut the fuck up.
mopreme doesn’t hate ff. he’s one of the nicest guys i’ve ever met.
LOL, make me.
Anyway… I was not aware that Pyro does not support the US scene. I would bring up again that there really is no US “scene”, but obviously you didnt read that part. I doubt he cares much about what people think on here I just find it funny that you guys get so mad at a guy for doing well. And if he thinks the comp is better in Japan…he’s right! And if he enjoys playing over there, then he should. I don’t see how that is not supporting the US “scene”.
Now I haven’t read all that gets said in these forums so maybe I’m missing a bit of background here. But I do know what Frank and Mike told me after going to that last “big” Texas tournament. Seems alot of you barneys were rooting against them to the point of trying to intimidate them physically (evidently a little fat asian was talking ALOT of shit with some random black guys backing him up)LOL wong. Well, they won anyway and I hear it wasn’t that hard even though they were missing moves. I was ROFL after hearing this as everytime these e-thugs actually come to FFA in Los Angeles, they are always SUPER respectful to the point of cockriding. And no one comes to them in a threatening manner cuz for the most part except for the young wannabee gangsters, we just chill.
Just a side note, although Frank and Pyro and some of the other guys are FFA are pretty passive guys, you might want to tone down the remarks against me unless you plan to NEVER show up at our arcade. K thx
e thuggin at its best.
Not supporting the scene has nothing to do with travelling to Japan and that shit, if he wants to waste his life going back and forth between countries for THIRD STRIKE that really doesnt matter to me or just about anyone else here, he wants to play a game for 9 hours a day or whatever same thing, has nothing to do with the US scene.
When he says he’s better than everyone else just because he went to Japan thats different. basically it went like:
People here: How can you say FFA > US when you never travel to any tourney?
Pyro: I dont need to travel, all that matters in the US is FFA, its like a japanese province. The rest of US is like, Mongolia. It just doesnt matter.
Besides, you know what I think is funny is when random ass cali motherfuckers jump online and either come with “Quit talking bout Pyro you dont even know him blah blah” or “your on his nuts because your talking about him”(that one is ALWAYS the funniest, how am I on his nuts when Im calling him a bitch again? Cause randomass illiterate Cali “Unknown friends of Pyro aka dickriders” think that anytime someone mentions a name they must be jocking? fuck off)
Its also funny that Pyro reportedly has the IQ of a very dense cabbage, people that know him say this, his online posts dont exactly squelch that rep either.
Oh yeah, I say it again, shut the fuck up randomass dickrider. You talk like you’d do something, but you’d fucking turn into Casper the second you even had a chance to do shit. Dont even waste your time typing threats that have about as much chance of coming true as The easter bunny giving out bricks of coke in kids baskets or Pyrolee having a cohesive thought, cause those 3 things arent ever happening in this life. You might as well save yourself from carpal tunnel.
i think i’ve read this discussion before
what are you doing for this US scene you care so much about? Just curious.
Where do I sign up for these bricks?
damn man… i wouldnt talk shit to omen like that son. this isnt even about 3s or pyrolee
yo damien, don’t even bother with this. if this guy comes to FF and runs his mouth then thats that, if not, just fuck it. he already has his mind made up
<—another person wants to know the answer to this
who is Nken?
You want to know why people hate pyrolee? Cause of idiots like you who wants to start shit. There’s no reason to post this crap for him. If he felt mopreme didn’t acknowlege his accomplishments then he needs to speak up for himself. Only thing you did is provoke people like N-ken into starting flame wars.
You know, you must realise by now that your hate (or jealousy) of Pyro just bled into disrespecting Frankie, Justin, Ricky, Floe, Buktooth and the other US players that go to Japan for their love of the game. If you had even half a brain, an apology for them would be in order. This will probably be the last time I ever bother pointing something out to you, since you don’t even deserve that much. You’ve become something akin to a wild animal, incapable of logic and undeserving of attention. The only thing you’ve achieved now is curiosity and pity, so I hope you’re happy with that.
And if you had a quarter of a brain you’d realize I wasnt talking about those other people, but you just see Im talking about him going to japan so that must be all there is to it. You arent very smart either, I thought you were at least smarter than pyro"almost sentient organism:lee, but it looks like a dead heat.
If you’re going to Japan JUST to get better at SF, than yeah, I stick by my statement that you’re fucking nuts. Now first off, Ricky/Justin AFAIK this is there first time going and its for an actual event, they don’t go there every six months so they can dickride the japanese and try to imitate them in everything they do. And if Justin comes back saying “well the japanese think this…” about every godamned thing anyone ever says or does, I’ll think the same thing about him, or ANYONE who does that shit. Of course he hasnt done that yet, I dont expect him to when he gets back. Buk’s been there much more but again, he’s not riding the japanese every chance he gets “rashai rashai” and that bullshit. Thats just you FFA 3s players UME. Some players actually learned there skills here, and then travel to play with opposing styles, as opposed to “lets copy japan”
But on the real, none of that needed to be typed, because if I’m considered sad by street fighter players who bite off everything they can from another country and then not even do it well, and have their life encompassed by said obsessive biting, Im not too hurt by that. At the end of the day, Im not the one paying 4 figures a year to play SF, so I win:encore:
Actually its quite simple, no need for arguements. Good work Team Pyro. :tup:
This isn’t Ricky’s 1st time going to Japan. What does all this Pyro hate have to do with this thread? I’m no Pyro lover but damn, take it to the FFA thread or something, sheesh. GJ to all of Team USA.
i’m the best at 3s!!! :tup:
Yeah, it is pretty worthless to post on here. I thought after 3 years of just reading I would interject some facts but it appears to be a waste of time. I probably jumped the gun on mopreme but I saw his post after reading some other anti-pyro nonsense and I just had to set the record straight in my eyes. Once again, if pyro says FFA is mini japan and the rest of US is mongolia, he is just kidding. Trust me.
And I might point out the fact that Pyro has no right to say what FFA is anyway as he has only been going there maybe 3 years at the most. (Most if not all of the original players are gone)The place has been my home (i could walk there) arcade for about my whole life. If anyone has the right to say what FFA is, it’s me. It’s a hole in the wall place that’s been pretty good for fighting games for a long time. That’s it. It used to actually be a gang hangout and ganja spot until the cops cleaned up and most of us grew out of it.
It’s far from being a haven for japanese players or super elite streetfighters, that’s just something that’s developed the last couple years as such players as Vic, Frankie, Yi, Sean, and a few others took their game to another level. Also the dedication of Lil Rich aka “Shogo” and Thomas (Arlieth Trelare)who put (and still does) alot of themselves into making that arcade special. They fixed up the controls and put tv screens, run tournaments, make videos and overall support the “scene” here more than most of the people who post in the threads.
Ok, I am now done with shoryuken for another 3 years. LOL LATE
OG signin off