jalapNo's SF4 Hotness - CONDEMNED

No way man! NO! Bring her along and show her the light punch, light punch, light kick Hard kick combo…

I’m on my way. I was watching that CAVS game. Go CAVS!!!

So yeah, apparently I’m not going to make it since I’m still at my house.

Stupid paper due tonight + other things = Fail.


So far the people who have shown up are:

Channa’s Friend

To everyone who bailed last minute, You made god kill a kitten. :sad:

(It’s cool, I understand about real life stuff)

I’ll definitely be there next time. When do you think the next one will be?

GG’s to everyone last night, was fun


We did a little team tournament for fun last night, results are as follows

Team1 - MyNameIsPaulLee + H.duke - 1st
Team Eric - Hyre + jalapNo - 2nd
Team3 - Jastanf + Cmyman86 - 3rd
Team4 - B0KKiN + Ngan - 4th

I’m thinking we can do the next one next friday (No preppy’s until June 5th), except the problem is I won’t be able to provide food and drink if it happens next friday. I’m practically broke because this is my rent paycheck and that will leave me with $50 to live off of afterward.

If people can bring food/drink/beer, if people can bring it then we could probably have it. I’m going to talk to my room mate about it if people can because if not, everyone should probably eat dinner before they come over.

Awesome People: You know to bring the Buffalo Spicy Chicken Red Baron pizza… You do! The best $3.69 you’ll ever spend.

Fun times, and hopefully by next week I’ll have the execution and strategy down for my secretsquirrel.

Yeah, fun times guys!

We’ll have to do this again. Hopefully with more people.

I will bring TWO of those damn bbq pizzas if needed! that shit was good lol

Just got approval from the room mate, We are a Go for next friday (May 29th).

EDIT: Updated first page, if you can make it, post up/pm me/call me.

To make up for last time, Dugg and Mike will be there.

With bells on?:lovin:

Edit: how much longer till Trevor comes back from those third-world countries making shanties?

GGS fri. Keep working on that seth yo. Hes’ got a lot of tight shit, just gonna take some time to get used to it.

If I don’t have duty fri I’ll definitely be their.:rock:

Lemme know what’s up when you can, I’m looking to sell a bunch of my old stuff and make some profit to pay for food this friday.

If you guys are into computer gaming then let me know, I’ve got a closet full of jazz.

I’ve even got a brand new (As in never taken out of the box) water cooling kit (EXOS-2 BK).

So got scheduled to work yet again so won’t be able to make it this Friday. I really need to get to some of these gatherings to level up my game, the online just doesn’t cut it. I will hopefully be attending the gamclucks tourney on the 7th though. I best get practicing.

That blows dude, do you work Graveyard shift or something? 7 O’Clock is just the earliest people can show up, they usually trickle in till around 9 and then the real fun begins.

If you want to come after work that is, but I’ll jut take your name off the list either way.

I work at a movie theater so my hours are kind of all over the places usually a mixture of days and nights. Nights being I leave at 1 or 2 in the morning which is usually the case on the weekends

That sucks. Everett Mall, Lowes, or Alderwood?

Count me in for this week, I will try and get icecold to come too.