jalapNo's SF4 Hotness - CONDEMNED

Looks like I may get to come down if my BC plans are changed up a bit so expect me there to rep Mount Vernon… HARD.



Some Dhalsim should come to this and give me a lesson. I want to pick him up pretty bad.

If Channa shows up, I’m sure he can. He’s got a pretty good sim.

I’ve got a secret character I’m working on for this Friday, so hopefully no one I’ve played online gives away da secret!

Yeah, I’ll most likely be there. I’ve been kind of playing Rufus too :bgrin:.

I’m calling Fei Long.

How many setups do we need/currently have? I can bring a (FULL, with game this time!) ps3+2 TE setup…

I’m comin’.

42" LCD TV = Xbox360 + 1 EX2 Hori w/ SF4
20"-25" CRT TV = PS3 1x Controller, No Sticks ATM (This wednesday I’m probably going to pick up an SE) w/o SF4

Meaning if we are fine with having 2 set-ups we would only need:
-1 Xbox360 Stick (Mine is available for anyone to use, just don’t beat it like a red-headed step child please)
-1 PS3 Copy of SF4
-1 or 2 PS3 sticks

If we want 3 set-ups we would need this stuff in addition to what’s listed above:
-1 TV
-1 more PS3
-1 another PS3 copy of SF4
-2 more PS3 sticks


well then…I’ll bring a copy of 4 and 2 ps3 sticks.

U… R… AH… SUM.

:slight_smile: You… are… awesome!

I can bring a TV for a third setup.

Perfecto! Do it!

+ps3/game/…1? stick? If paul comes we’ll be covered for sticks anyways

Edit: Mike come kick it/play before we head over/ :smiley:

Me and Yignpc are headed to GameWorks around noon’ish on Friday and meeting at least 1 other person there (I think Airthrow said he might show up also). You guys should totally come and tear it up!

Now that I’m becoming more used to using a stick I would really like to go to Gameworks. I need a bat top gage tho, that spinning ball just isn’t right.

If you want to meet us down there Emmanuel, do it!

I gotta work at 5 so most likely not. next time though.

Your ball top shouldn’t be spinning?

As far as I know I can make it and on time so there should be no prob.