Jago/Ross First To Fraud

I think this has no place in GD

Wrestlers know how to keep up that kayfabe.

It must be nice for Jago to have people say he got streaked up 5-0 in front of thousands of people and lost $1000 on purpose.

More importantly, this thread is dumb, and if I were a mod I would ban people for having “esports” anywhere in their post.

Mike Ross seems pretty bad at Marvel, I dunno man Jago probably beat him free rigged or not

gotta watch the video to understand

What video? The one that RockB posted? Cause that’s his typical image-spam shit he does.

lol This topic dose not have to do with fighting games directly but commenting on a phony feud in search of pseudo-fame and if the actors are scripting matches to further the story. Since it does not pertain to game play mechanics, specific charters, or specific games but to celebrities, then General discussion is where the thread belongs, no matter how much of a cyber-bully you try to be :slight_smile:


heheheheheh… SAFE!

No the first one in the thread. Ross and Jago have been having this feud in public, but they are in the car talking about the “walk away” they scriped for there first to 5 match, then mention something about a possible cross assault 2 with them as opposing coaches. When watching the matches between Ross&Jago many people felt like Jago wasn’t playing as well as he was vs the contestants. Watching the above video makes some people think Jago threw the match and possible Ross threw the Marval matches at Bar Fights that started this whole “feud”. All in an attempt to up the ratings for the shows.

Make this man a fuckin mod!

You obviously don’t know the definition of soapboxing. :wtf:

mad cuz busted


I had no idea this was going on lol. It kinda sucks.

Exposed/Staged/Frauds etc etc

how does this affect anyone

You mad cuz illiterate.


I guess its more just stupid shit. So I guess the community is getting bigger and more money is getting put into this and Arturo starts this childish shit that has no benefit to anyone

Fraud or no fraud, the shit is entertaining.

seriously, what the hell is this doing in GD

idioms, yo. reread your post again, and then imagine yourself with a handlebar mustache brazenly stretching your suspenders out towards the person you are commenting to. everybody that liked your post is like the crowd that says “yeah;” a few at first but in increasing amounts with each sentence that flows from of your hairy-capped lips. with your bowler hat cocked slightly forward, you let an evil grin loose as the crowd you incited surges upon jasinedward with broom handles and medical sounds. “i’d join you, but i just sharted. i need to go clean up,” you coyly inform the crowd as you step down, casually pick up your cheap pedestal, and speed walk to your Lexus.

you didn’t even shart you soapboxin lil bitch