Is Zangief a cheap character only for low-leveled game?

You got J.Wong winning left n right with Rufus for years, but still keep MUps as your main concern ?
Get your shit right when talking about high level and tourneys. It’s not your dark room Online games.
Rose won Evo, Snake just won a Capcom pro tour.

Keep trolling with these brilliant threads/polls, you da man.

Bro. I’ve always admired your posts. You maining Akuma or Zangief?

And is that you in the pic?

I voted disagree.

Yeah I don’t know if anyone saw Snake Eyes take out Tokido at Evo2014- it wasn’t on stream. This game is far more intricate than some think and in the hands of the right player Zangief could definitely win Evo. I’m sure no one thought Gen or Rose could win it back in 2010 but look at what happened 2013, 2014.
As far as Zangief at Evo goes:
2010 - Vangief 5th
2011 - Flash Metroid 7th (Zangief/C.Viper)
2014 - Snakeyes 4th
Clearly Zangief isn’t bad character to use, he’s appeared in Top 8 at Evo as many times as Ryu.
Wat, people raging cause they can’t figure out how to deal with fireballs or vortex characters?

Evo’s format looks too random. And highly dependent on luck of the draw.

From a poker perspective, a lot of the matches, and a few of the ones I saw with Snake Eyez, was like a coin flip. AK vs QQ, etc.
It really could have went either way.

Tokido could have taken out Snake Eyez, Snake Eyez could have taken out Rose, Xian could have taken out Snake Eyez.

Ricky could have taken out Snake Eyez - ah, NOPE. hahaha, Ricky has to be dreaming, if he’s to win that one.

They need to make the matches more decisive. I think best of 5 rounds, Grand Slam Style.

The Double Elimination is good.

Haven’t posted in a long time, but I have played Gief since Vanilla. Not great, not bad.

I have always felt that Gief is very beginner friendly (in terms of new players playing their friends, beginners). At that level random gh, jumping, blockstring churning, etc. all work. Result: most new players think their character loses badly to Gief

After playing a while players learn to avoid and punish defensive churning, but the threat of a 2f punish for any mistake evens out the Gief oppression, at this level the Gief player has to develop reactions and footsies to get damage because defensive churning gets punished. Result: more experienced players peel apart new Gief’s tactics

At slightly higher levels opponents are much more reactive, whiff punishing takes some footsies options away again and offensive spd, as well as os pokes, are needed to break through the defensive zoning. Matchup start to even out. Result: not as many really easy or really hard matchups

And at an actual level of high play you will have to ask someone else who is actually good. In my opinion though, it is much harder to win, there are hard counterpicks, Gief’s normals are much more punishable than most other characters and Gief’s damage output for punishes is about equal to many characters damage output for punishes, and much less than quite a few characters in damage, stun and even meter usage. Result: Gief solid mid tier, some very bad matchup, patience and lifebar becomes major currency.

Easy to win for new players. Harder to win for high level. Gief seems pretty good though, rfa is a blast, pokes are dangerous, dwu doesn’t affect Gief as badly as others etc

Sentence by sentence:

1Most people don’t think that. You are living in a bubble…
2Learn a zoning character to see how easy that really is… Long story short, it isn’t and the zoners are working just as hard or way harder than gief. Difference is that gief gets a chance to vortex them to death from on good decision while they have to make more than ten good decisions to win…
3High level gief players do it all the time. Youtube is a thing…
4Snake eyes won evo with gief in super turbo and gief has it way worse in that game vs zoners…

5No, all victories in SF are based on mistakes by your opponents. Also, gief can beat a player off of one mistake, while most other characters need more. He’s the original vortex character…
6If you don’t know about high level play, don’t talk about it… Mistakes are made all the time…
7Thats how you beat gief, keeping (zoning) him out… If he always got in, he’d be a broken character. Learn how to get in and stop pushing your short comings onto the character…