How did sim get nerfed from CE to HF? Didn’t he gain teleport?
I would say the higher the speed, the worse for Dhalsim. He depends a lot on fast judgment and reactions. As for teleport, being a Ryu player it only means a chance of landing cr.str x2 xx hadouken -> dizzy aerial rh, CPS1 chain shit -> dizzy -> death. Actually, it the same in ST, just having st.fierce xx red hadouken in place of the CPS-1 chain.
I honestly don’t know the specifics. The speed I’m sure hurt him a little. Also, I suspect he may do less damage or take more damage, but I’m not sure. Some of his damage seems really random in that game. Like sometimes you do a Yoga Flame and it takes off decent damage, but sometimes you land it (even MP/HP versions) and it does closer to chip damage. It’s really strange. I could never figure out any rhyme or reason to it. I think it’s just random. And I have no idea about hitboxes or anything else.
Basically put, this is covered in the Hyper Fighting thread, but yeah, HF for XBOX is not good for online. But, to speak to that Claw link, it works a lot easier in HF than in ST, so the issue is timing or dropped inputs. Anyway, this is why that game is not on my wish list.
I found this, dunno how accurate.
Looks about right AFAIK.
Anyone can do fractions. You must be able to set up triple integrals to stand a chance!
Dude I was tripping on those last semester, I really got to get my head in the game. (Math that is)
It REALLY helps if you memorize the equations of quadratic surfaces. That way you can recognize f(x, y) without having to completely rely on look at slices of the graph. Other popular functions include plane equations, but those are a bit more straight forward. Either way, make sure you draw a 2D and 3D sketch of the solids because sometimes you’ll have to change the limits of integration in order to compensate for the fact that otherwise your elementary function has no antiderivative. Your life will be easier if you can convert to spherical and cylindrical coordinates (to avoid otherwise annoying radicals)
Man I remember before HDR came out I had to use Anniversary Edition to get my super turbo fix. Good thing they made an XBox live version.
Still, too bad no one plays vanilla ST on xb360 …
Dude now I’m in abstract algebra, Groups FTW!
You can play ST with us on GGPO at least.
Groups are fun. Rings get a little harder. Make sure you learn groups well because most of the ideas of groups carry over into rings. Make sure you learn cyclic groups and permutation groups well too!
We just finished permutation groups and we are starting on isomorphisms. Cyclic groups came before permutation groups. I think my bases are covered. :tup:
I’m pretty sure they nerfed the hit boxes on a few of his normals, he seems to have a lot less priority than in CE. That and I think his throws got their damaged nerfed (everyone’s got nerfed from CE, but I think Sim and Claw’s both got nerfed pretty hard). Could be wrong, haven’t played either in a while, LOL.
Also 2 plus 2 equals 4! :tup:
Hope that helps Coth.
Only if that is the function that maps an element from one group to another group. :wgrin:
In (Z_4, +), 2 + 2 = 0’
Also, 3 is not a prime number in Z[sqrt(-5)]
Is the first suppose to be + mod 4? Since as stated, 4 isn’t in the group Z_4.
Don’t quite get the what you mean in the second one.
In Z_4, 0 \equiv 4.
/equiv = not equivalent?
Z_4 = {0,1,2,3} that’s why I was asking.
By the topic title, we are on topic.
… Math… yeah… what is it good for? Absolutly everything… uh huh. math… huh… yeah… what is it good for…? absolutly everything.
For those who are confused…
Just look at the acid trip on the right top of the screen, realize that’s actually a graph… and be in awe of what math can do!
Yes, this is the set of elements in Z_4 with respect to addition modulo 4. It’s actually a bit of a notational confusion, but Z_4 = {0, 1, 2, 3} really means {[0], [1], [2] ,[3]}. Then we have [2] + [2] = [4] = [0] modulo 4 since these are equivalence classes.
The second one is a ring theory topic. It blew my mind when my prof told me that 2 wasn’t prime. All that number theory I took for granted assumes you are in the ring of integers. Yet here was a set for which 2 is not a prime number!
It’s kinda bad, but I’m resisting the impulse to study game theory right now since I have a presentation and an exam I ought to be studying for right now :lol: (exams not til next week though.)
Speaking of bad impulses… should you be working on your article instead of being on SRK lol