Is this chick hot?be honest

Tight shit son, she looks good.


Yeah she’s cute…

On a side note… I have that same shirt you do, dude.

I’d fuckin’ hit it

i’d fuckin hit it


Hhmm I’m curious what you guys think about this girl I haven’t talked to in a while.

She is definitely a sexy one. The face and chest are so top notch :clap: The only thing I’d nitpick about is the flat ass (sorry, it’s just my preference for a big booty). Other than that, :hitit:

torso’s way too big, and it’s not b/c of her tits. i understand she’s a little thick, but she’s built like a dude. i’ve got a thing for asians and i still wouldn’t hit it =/ sorrie.

tnpr’s chick >> that one

why is this thread resurrected? seeing mummy’s post give me a chill down my spine. :frowning:

chinese bean looks like a dude.

Same here. Shit hit me funny.

some n00b resurrected the thread…just registered in November, so I guess he had to read ALL the threads? :confused:

Way too much makeup. Doesn’t she notice her face is a different color from the rest of her body. Tell her to chill with the foundation.

Yeah, I pointed that out when we started making out.

Shes alright. :hitit:

Same x3… I saw his post and knew that someone bumped up a old post. (respect for the deceased) Anyways man wtf who cares if she’s thick… SHE’S DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNOMITE

Well I know who stole this thread. Hats off man for saying what we all wanted to, but just don’t have the skillz to.

Good find though. But I think it was best summed up by Jimmy Soul, If You Want to Be Happy For The Rest Of Your Life all you need is an ugly wife. In other words just cuz she’s the hottest devil you’ve ever been with doesn’t mean when you turn your back she won’t stab it. Ugly women at least know they won’t get anyone else and do there best not to fuck shit up cuz of what might happen.

“say man, i saw your wife the other day”


“yeah and she’s uglyyyyyyy!!!”

“yeah she’s ugly but she sure can cook, baby”

“yeah allrighttt”