Is there STILL not a Dragon Ball thread? If so

:joy::joy::joy: Can’t unsee


If only we had the technology during his prime. At this point we will have to go for Bautista or The Rock or hell Terry Crews actually can get a similar near screeching pitch to his voice.

Edit: I forget Cena actually isn’t bad at acting either.

Mr. SATAN has Arrived

So do you people know about all the aliens involved in a secret shadow government…

Okay Dale Gribble :wink:

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Was a jesse ventura joke and you know because satan saw and met god

I’d raise my hands for that Earth champion.
No homo


At this point I don’t try to defend dragon ball. You’ve had 3 decades to get it, you know exactly what you are getting. If you wanna critique to death cool, but the Fandom. Don’t give a fuck. Like we went more Than a decade without new official Material. Yall think a critique gonna fuck us


The critics think their opinion matters.

That is the silliest shit

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For a time it really did. It sorta still does, that’s why when a bad movie comes out they don’t allow critics to see it til last min

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I would like to see the other Saiyans brought back to life, Cell as well.

Suicide squad still made money

You can say shit sucks. But eh.

It is like us as wrestling or mma fans. We like this for reasons. Critic. Why though it sucks? Us. Fair, but i enjoy it. Critic. You are an idiot for liking it.

I reallize as somebody who hates shitty booking like gargano being booked stronger than braun strowman and roman reigns. I sound hypocritical. But i know i will never change minds.

But eh. I will criticize furry hentai bronies for being creeps though.

And i will always be like people will like what they like.

So have at it

The dragon ball fans though are the hardest on dragon ball. I mean we all made jokes about filler episodes of goku powering up

Dragon Ball abridged is a send up of all the problems we have with dragon ball and anime in general

Like wrestling fans love botchamania and will be quick to shit on the product.

I just never got the whole let’s stand together and defend this.

Ya’ll remember this:

Not working for me


God dammit Bobby!!



I swear this dude watches prowrestling