Is Justin Wong the best cvs2 player in the USA?

bas would rape otaku. and this is coming from a big otaku fan. :sad:

bas would rape anyone even with bison battery and r2 vega

This man is the truth there are too many top players . my pick is dr.b the beastly s-groover. that takes skill to play well with

Ohayo is #1 in the USA.


i think mago and kindebu can trade with bas. dunno does mago still play though

His play has impoved sir.

Top player no doubt… I think he has the strongest C groove in the US.

But he’s not sexy enough to be #1. Not even Ricky. To many Stong Players.:wasted:

lol who is stylewarz


Random and off the topic. Don’t hate. <3 all

got any matches that aren’t 2 years old?

Go find em

Hay thats a classic match

As far as I know…

Otaku will never play BAS( in tournament) again! :sad:

That match was probally their last one VS each other.

Check out the reaction’s in the game center.:amazed:

justin play style is hard as hell to beat in cvs2. He cant beat ricky so ill put him at #2 or 3 cuz choi is fucking talented as hell. kim for pres!

On A japenese stick(BT88) Bucktooth88 is the best…:nunchuck: Plays 2 snk characters in Ngroove and wins. Orginal…:china: