Irresistable urge to list Fighting Games as hobby on job application

Oh I can already tell this thread is going to be hilarious.

Sounds like a great idea! While you’re at it, put “can’t spell irresistible” next to it.

@OP For the love of god DO IT!!! PLZ!!! And Tell us what happen afterwards


This is like some 4chan shit right here…just the SFW version though :coffee:

If you think something is a core part of who you are, it’s actually probably NOT.

fighting games are pretty obscure to the mainstream. i don’t think anyone reading your resume will know what you’re talking about so it won’t hurt it much but won’t benefit it much either. just put “playing chess” instead, fighting games can be sort of like chess

Just put in “playing videogames” and that’s enough. There’s nothing wrong with that kind of hobby unless it will get in the way of your job.

Falsify a list of all the fgc celebrities/ top players you’ve vanquished.

Make sure it’s known that you’ve left a digital trail of cracked skulls and tears and broken dreams internationally. This will demonstrate to your employer unwavering commitment, drive / ambition and your obvious "I can handle the pressure’ spirit.

Once they know you’ve defeated the likes of Daigo “the Beast” Umehara, Tokido “Murderface” and are the reason Mike Ross is always fourth place at majors they will know you can handle yourself and stand out amongst your peers … Only list the mean sounding names.

You’d be better off putting Mortal Kombat as that is the larger known fighting game among the casuals. You might even have an interviewer say something like, “I played that game, can you show me something.” On the other hand, you would probably get more positive results if you placed your hobby as protesting violent video games for the sake of children…

“Semi-professional thumb-athlete”

Masturbation? Not a good look on the application.

List MvC2 pro on it and they’ll give you ownership of the whole facility.

Isn’t that how you got most of your jobs @NickRocks‌

You should list that you’re a pot monster in your application that way your employer will know how much to pay you since you’re used to getting raped regularly.

Don’t forget to attach a photo of yourself

and cosplay for your job interview

slamdunk :tup:

My current boss, during my interview for the job, asked what my hobbies and I replied video-games amongst other things then we talked about Nvidia cards for a couple minutes. Iunno ¯(°_o)/¯

it makes no fucking difference…Nerd!

Make sure you have your brother take your piss test for you, and post which hospital you’re applying to.

You know, for scientific purposes.


@"Pimp Willy"‌

Make sure you have your brother take your piss test for you, and post which hospital you’re applying to.

You know, for scientific purposes.


@"Pimp Willy"‌

actually the company I work at looks for shit like that, considering most entry level jobs involve driving a huge ass crane at somepoint, which (surprise surprise) is all joysticks and buttons.

Medical Residencies are different in that they want the most generic, wishy washy, professional, community minded, and ned flanderized dude there


edit: wtf seriously they removed srk emotes?


edit2: GOD DAMN IT