Iron Galaxy probably making CvS2

It’s day shame that you’re right as well. :frowning:
Regardless, I’ll buy this game if it’s released in Europe. It was one of my favourite games of all time. Plus, I want to learn how to paint the fence and get them Sakura loops down.
SF4 is modest in it’s execution, only Viper/Ibuki/El Fuerte scares in terms of hard to do combos.

Cammy stand fierce into far RH cancel into lvl 2 super…
After that I know everything is going to be alright…

I made a thread on Capcom Unity about this. Here’s what Sven said:

Also, someone else in that same thread said this about Network Mode:

Can you ask if he (they?) can make the online functional for the american PSN release?

Has anyone stateside picked this up yet? What’s up with input lag? Is it a good port?

It seems good with no lag so far. Read the Twitter i posted early.

EDIT: My bad, HAV says that there is lag in the game… damm

So does it lag on HDTV or both HD and CRT.

I have not tried it on a crt, but every lcd tv I have tried it on has been absolutely lagtastic.

laggy on crt as well

More TROLLNO ing

oh my…

clearly they weren’t :mad: