I just made this video tonight. This is what I generally do now with Ippatsu when using a baroque, but with different enders depending on situation. Also filmed a set the other night which should be up tomorrow. (me as Ippatsu).
Notes after yesterday’s tournament:
In General:
-Along with assist, Charge back, forward+C and Dash, 623C create some nice setups that can really mess with your opponent’s guarding.
-63214+2 attacks super reflects some projectiles.
On Resets:
-Like Polymar, Ippatsuman has grab resets (aerial 623C anywhere/214C in corner -> 623+2 attacks). Unlike Polymar, Ippatusman’s grab resets are not guaranteed. Depending on opposing character’s special attacks, they can easily escape, but risk getting punished on the way down if you decide not to throw out 623+2 attacks or waste away 2 bars in order to mega crash. Mess around with this and bait your opponent and punish him/her, use up meter, and/or baroque to safely fall and lose red health.
Against giants:
-Charge back, forward+C goes right through giants. With Polymar assist (as this is my preferred team), if you assist as Ippatuman man does his psycho crusher, Polymar will get in some hits literally from behind the giant.
-At max distance, Ippatsuman can spam 236A on the ground. Watch for Lightan (j.)41236+2 attacks super.
-Level 3 super for chip damage or unblockable swings (if you can think ahead of your opponent).
^^^Karas can 623A/B/C out, while Polymar has 623A/B/C,A/B/C,214A/B/C (Handou Sandan Geri).
As long as the opposing character has an aerial special attack, they have a reasonable chance of escaping non-guaranteed resets.
Disregarding giants, the only normal size character in the game that does not have any aerial specials is Soki, so with Ippatsuman can use 623C to 623 super reset and Polymar 623C,C to 360 Super reset.
On that note, I found a Polymar-esque, guaranteed reset (as similar to Polymar j.B, j.B, 360 super grab reset) that works everywhere on screen and that I think I’ll be using with Ippatsuman more often:
Standard ground combo to 3C, (SJ to pursue) j.A, j.A, j.B, j.B, 7(jump cancel back), j.A, j.B, j.C (whiff intentionally), 623+2 attacks super
Ok, thanks.
No I need someone to test it with me… hehe
if escaping by doing this is easy enough, my problems will be far smaller if this guy i’m trying to beat doesn’t know that until the day I wipe him down… LOL!