PC version loading time is amazing. I played PC for a while, and when I wen to my friend house to play on his PS3, i was surprised about the PS3 loading time. Takes too long.
And for PC, you can mod the clothes, or recently, have 2 new stages that consoles could never have.
I don’t get why so many people have trouble with v-sync, I dont notice a difference at all and my pc is just average, I even recorded it with highspeed cam to be sure and the input times are exactly the same for me. Also the difference between ps3 is pretty noticeable, the only reason I still play ps3 is cause the player pool is bigger, and my friend plays on ps3.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the pc community seems to be more helpful, though that might be because its much easier to interact with the others due to the availability of a keyboard for all players