I'm the best that's ever been -wolf thread-

Unicorn over at VFDC has gotten a combo list for Wolf started: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Auv6P6EHA8DadHhLUlFla1cyVktrRS13NVVuUkt6ekE#gid=0

This isn’t exhaustive by any means, but it’s definitely a great way to get started.

The thing to keep in mind with Wolf is that his moves aren’t super-safe and he has few strings to cover moves that are minus on block. If you look at something like PP6P, even the last P followup in that string is -13, meaning it’s punishable with most character’s PK strings. So it’s useful, but nowhere near as user-friendly as some character’s.

I don’t think his moves are slower than other characters now that he has 3P, but there are notable limitations to some of his tools. 4K is his 16f side-kick class move, for example, but it has shorter range than most. Conversely, something like screw hook (hcb+P) has great range and 14f startup, but leave you at -8, and 3P, which is also 14f, safe, and has great reach as well, but has no followups whatsoever. This means your defensive reads have to be very solid.

What counterbalances this is that most moves Wolf has lead to some ridiculous damage, a knockdown and/or have above average range. This tends to make the opponent freeze and open them up for the throw game. People who know what’s up are going to buffer in 6P+G, but in some cases this is not ideal for them as GS now only does 70dmg on fastest input, while F5 does 75. Burning hammer is a special case, because it executes 6(!) frames slower than other throws, while regular 6P+G executes in 9 frames, 1 frame faster than a regular throw. 9P+G and 66P+G are inescapable catch throws and can eat moves that execute after them (they execute in 20).

Anyway, those are some random thoughts I had while reading the thread. VFDC is a better place to go for info, but I can answer questions here as well.

Round 2 is almost guaranteed to give you a screw face.

…and that’s reason.#9818 why VF will always be the best.

Some people might list that as reason #9818 why VF is the worst. In fact if that happened to me I’d be pretty pissed off about getting pissed on. I’d be amazed but angry.

Shit could’ve been broken. VF has always been high damage, fast speed and awesomeness. No other series can compete on those fronts.

Vannessa player should’ve cancelled the evade or evaded again. That was just disrespect on the Wolf player’s part and it payed off, haha!

Staggers are your friend!

With my couple months of playing Wolf, I’ve learned that you NEED to mix people up, become predictable is a big no no with wolf since he is so slow, a common way to gain the advantage is with staggers.

I use 2-3P to cause a stagger or 6G+K
after the stagger you get a free mixup
-you can either attempt a throw if they shake and guard
-attempt to combo while the opponent is staggered
-poke to continue pressure/bait a catch

just a lil something to throw in
but remember the 6G+K is very unsafe if blocked :confused: but I use it