I'm Taking 3 Requests

TGC. I’m glad you the av. :cool:

Nikon. what’s an MSP?

MSP = Mags, Storm, Psylocke…

Nikon. ok. got it. check back here tomorrow.:cool:

thx foolio

yeah… I still want you to make it… I’m having like two made so I can just switch back and forth once in a while. I’ve had this av for like a couple of months and I’m getting tired of it. I asked him too because you said that you were only making one more! sorry dude. I didn’t mean to discourage you!

Nikon. ok. if tonbarry wants to make you a av as well then that’s fine with me. I thought you changed your mind about me making it before. now with that out of the way.
yours will be done later tonight, k.:cool:

Nikon. yours is done. hope you like it.:cool:

OMG… that’s the best work I’ve seen yet. Thx man…