I'm not in Lost Planet 2! - the PTX-40A UaS thread and guide

lol I’ve been thinking that too.

I actually believe that PTX is going to be model-swapped for the new PTX replacement mecha in LP2.

PTX’s cross-up/trap tricks! Wish I’d known sooner. T_T

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9797586 vs giants

the damage! <_>

I beleive you could do those resets without using baroque though, through rocket > machinegun chain. But I’m not really sure about that.

New discovery.

I’ve been mucking about with PTX’s guns. I found some rather interesting stuff.

the guns fire one after the other depending how fast you did the input. you can do the first two really fast but then you have to wait for the second gun to fire before you can get the third one to fire simultaneously. the timing is a bit tricky, but doing a quick left B right C is a fantastic way to bother pesky super jump IAD users.

the A version of guns is the only one which can be chained into itself 3 times. So far I’ve only been able to get 3 shots off the A version by inputting 214A 126A 214A nice and steady. The interesting thing is that I only seem able to chain the third if I use the left gun first.

Left > right > left

I could not get this to work with the b and c versions of the guns. They only seem to be able to chain twice.

You can however do the following:

Left A Right B left B
Left B Right A Left B
Left B right A left B

and so on.

Also, the third shot will only come out if your second shot has hit the opponent.

There seems to be a few rules to chaining the guns:

Rule1: you must fire the guns in the order of left-right-left
Rule 2: only the A guns can be chained into themselves more than twice
Rule 3: your shots must hit the opponent
Rule 4: the second shot must be an A

Sometimes I found it was possible to skip guns by firing too fast. PTX would aim the right weapon and not fire before shooting the left shoulder again.

another random oddity was that sometimes PTX’s gun would drop off and cancel all recovery in doing so, meaning I was able to jump or move as soon as the gun had dropped off. I can’t seem to replicate this but it’s happened a few times now.

I also noticed is that when a gun hits the opponnet, it counts as a hit cancel point for any of PTX’s moves. You can test this for yourself easily. Stand way back and use PTX’s barrage on a training mode dummy without guard. When the missiles fire and the opponent starts getting hit rapidly by the explosions, start hitting A as fast as you can. You’ll notice PTX do a series of really quick jabs even though his jabs aren’t actually hitting the opponent. I’m not sure how useful this is, but it works for baroqued rockets too.

People really should start using these things more. A chain of 3 guns in a combo fills more than half of PTX’s bar.

PTX mirror matches. Hellz yeah!

[media=youtube]He-HX8fG5Cw[/media] (wtf happened at the end?!)

woow, some nice things in those matches, but so many missed opportunities. Not a single vs tackle was used properly, and they missed many potential game ending calibur Executions. Not to mention not a single 4B-6B, very disheartening…

I’m a Jun/Chun user and am scared to fight PTX. Any advice on the best way to approach him?

As chun, jump above him and spam aerial lightning legs until you have enough meter for a level 3, then use lightning legs into level 3 for big damage.

As Jun the swan, just try to land any one of her dancing swan attacks and you’ll be able to juggle him.

On the opposite end of that, what’s the most effective way to deal with the Lightning Legs spam?

Swat them with jabs.


Prepare a light VS tackle.

Actually, 5C will surprise chun Li’s who think they’re safe above you, as will a well-timed J.5C.