I'm not getting the most out of this game

You guys are starting to contradict yourselves. Some of you say that counter-picking is good, yet if you do that, you’ll never learn how to deal with the opponent using your original character.

And to stay on topic, OP only said he was tired of people counter-picking with Chun and Fatso all the time, meaning he barely plays any other character as much. Give him/her a break.

If you stick with the same character all the time you WILL get counterpicked, that’s just part of the game.The blind picking mechanic doesn’t help you if everybody knows that all you pick is sim.Question is, are you **A) **going to learn a couple of other characters and mix it up a bit so people don’t counterpick you all the time and rely somewhat on getting a good matchup to win? or **B) **just say “fuck it” and get good enough with your main and scooled up enough on matchups that you can rock anybody that comes along regardless of who they pick?

Personally i prefer a little of both, just because i find i don’t enjoy playing the same matchups over and over, unless i’m doing it on purpose for practice, so i have a Main (dictator) whose matchups i know really well, and 2 or 3 alternates that i’m also fairly decent with that i use depending on my opponent’s skill level.I can mix it up enough to keep people guessing, but i usually go with my main for a strong opponent, rather than basing my choice on what character they’re likely to pick, because my main is the one i’ve really put the effort in on learning matchups, practising combos etc, and although he’s not the strongest character in the game, i’m more dangerous with him than any other pick.

Several great players from SRK and elsewhere will stick with the same character every single match, and trounce anybody, regardless of whether they’re a counterpick or not, you’ve got to respect the skill level and confidence of people who can do that.

Well I do thing I’m pretty good…just seems like I only know a few of those 17 match-ups.

Like I know my match-ups that are supposed to be bad, like chun Honda, claw, etc. But I’d be completely caught off guard by a blanka or a T hawk. Because I haven’t faced them because of all my encounters with my counter characters. That’s all I’m saying.

Like for example, right now I’m facing this Akuma player. He’s ok, but I’m going back and forth with him sorta. He has 6 wins, and I have 9 wins. What does he do to try to gain an advantage? Picks Claw. That’s just annoying (especially since I beat Claw pretty easily, which made that round a waste of time).

It’s just a matter of me wanting to learn other match-ups is all I’m worried about.


Exactly. JV and I have played the Honda/Sim match-up so much we aren’t worried about it anymore. When someone picks Sim against me I laugh a little on the inside. :wgrin:

I’m also trying to pick up other characters. Sometimes I’m in a room with people that are about my skill level when I’m playing my new characters. It’s great for a while then people on my friends list start showing up and I end up feeling like I have to pick Honda to compete. So lately, I’ve been setting my profile to “Appear Offline” or I’ve been playing in private rooms with my friends who refrain from picking someone they’ll destroy me with.

Also, you could ask them to stick to a match-up you’re trying to improve in. Most people are cool about that, and are able to look past the competitive aspect to help you get better. Well the cool people are at least.

Either way, keep doing what you’re doing. It took JV and I a long time to get to where we are in the Sim/Honda match and knowing what we went through to get there I can tell you it’s not going to be easy. Knowing that you just have to convince yourself to put up with it.