I’ll see what I can find when I get home from work. Still feel bad for Ace. He was my favorite back in the day. A former school teacher that looked like a buff Ace Ventura wrecking dudes and he was a southpaw. You couldn’t make that shit up.
I am losing my mind… Since I woke up this morning, I’ve been more interested in playing SFV than any of the other games I’ve been playing (MVCI, GG Rev2, and 3S), which I have a lot more fun in.
And to top it all off, I want to play Ryu.
I’ve been seeing a lot of Ryu clips on Twitter recently, and I really love watching clean Ryus win, and I’d love to get that sense of accomplishment myself…
The problem is I know for every one of those well-earned victories, I’m going to have 20 losses that will piss me off to no end.