I have been loving Dan ever since I first laid eyes on a 3 kick combo and a paintball atk. I run Dan on SSF4 and on other games (while not as serious). I love the man, but I would also love some tweaks that could make him more of a beast.
Let me be serious for a moment. There are some things that Dan doesn’t have the tools to compete effectively with. I know for a fact that when ppl are saying “joke character” they aren’t saying that he’s funny or fun to play w/ /against. No, they are saying that he’s the worst player and the joke is to play him seriously. No one is laughing Capcom, especially when they enter a world of hurt with a surprising decent disciple of Dan.
In any case, here’s some tweaks, I THINK, would make Dan more accessible and a strong competitor.
*Gadoken (paintball) Tweaks
-mp paintball goes slightly further than the hp version and moves much slower (slightly slower than a mp sonicbooom
-lp gadoken goes the furthest but travels ridiculously slow (Dan can outrun it type of slow). The range could be about half the screen.
~MOTIVE: Dan can’t really compete against hadoken spam. He lacks an evasion approach move and can really only try to compete against them with gadoken or use FADC/jump over them tactics that anyone else can use. I use the paintball as a means of pressure. It’s range isn’t the best making it nigh impossible to hit anyone jumping. However, with a slower version, it would allow Dan to set up AA traps and adds potential for rushdown mixup. With a slow version it would allow for dan to counter hadoken spam. W/o having to approach the person.
-COUNTER: Couldn’t Gadoken have a faster recovery making it more viable for hadoken spam and pressure. I thought of this, but I don’t think faster recovery solves the problem. lp/mp versions really have no purpose in this game except for comedic value and building up super (some would argue that all versions are for the same thing). I don’t think it would be fair to add both faster recovery and more range/slow movement. Plus, Dan should still be punishable after using a gadoken just like any other projectile character.
-COUNTER: How much range? Will this lose the “Danness” of the move? I’m not talking huge range. The slowest version could reach as far as 1 gadoken sized ball further than the current hp version. Of course, I would be fine it all went the same range but speed was adjusted. The main issue is speed of travel so Dan has safer options on projectile spam (or honda headbutts/blanka barrellrolls).
-COUNTER: No, the move needs more speed/ the move is fine. I don’t agree with the paintball being a litespeed missile. That’s completely against current Dan trends, that being short range and steady atk speed. Also, nothing but Ex projectiles/body launch can travel horizontally fast as per current Capcom design. Current speed is fine and Dan always has ex dan kicks.
*New Move: Dan roll
-Again another projectile based pressure/evasion move. in the event that the above suggestion shouldn’t be implemented or should be along with another move, Dan should have his roll. The roll works like Ibuki’s slide but isn’t an atk. Perhaps he could roll into his low taunt for linking purposes, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
-COUNTER: …no Dan doesnt need a roll. I’m inclined to agree. I’m also inclinded to agree that Dictator and Seth don’t need teleports and that Chun li and Guy don’t need air grabs. Again, however, Dan lacks the ability to get inside on hadoken based atks w/o risking counter atks, jumping, or fadcing. Dan is a close range character and him not being able to get inside makes him very vulnerable. He obviously can’t roll through Akuma’s air hadokens and can’t begin to gadoken them. Jumping in on Guile/Deejay after they do a shot is asking for an AA. You can FADC ex shots, so what…better hope you can jump it or don’t mind blocking.
-NOTE: The roll’s range would be at most the range of the first roll of Dan’s super taunt or less.
These are the ones that I’m constantly thinking about. Some I’ve considered would be for the koryuken to go throw non-ex projectiles. I don’t need it’s a good one. Another someone suggested to me was that lk dan kicks (dankuyaku) should hop over projectiles. I’m on the fence with this one.
As always, comments are welcomed and appreciated.