Ibuki Q&A Thread: Ask simple questions here!

Oh you mean what you combo off a dizzy,it was not to clear so i thought you said you used it as a punish for wiff’d moves.

Pretty sure thats the first time i have heard someone call a combo starter off a dizzy a punish.

You said you used it to punish rather then a FA(knowing what you mean now i get it)

Wow, thanks for the quick answers!

  1. That’s what I figured Mingo, I just wanted some input from people who are actually good at this game since I was a bit unsure given my improvement when I just dry switched to her… She’s a lot of fun to play as!

  2. I’m playing on a PS3 using the dual shock 3 controller, alternate between the d-pad and analog stick depending on the character I guess. I’ll keep practicing the inputs on hien, not sure why I’m faliing so hard at it…

  3. and thanks for the info about the target combo… figured since the kick input was the same as the overhead and Dan was grounded I was supposed to link the j.hp into her overhead kick, gonna go practice it right now.

Guess as long as I’m here I’ll throw out one more quicky: Any tips for fighting Balrogs? Granted this isn’t exclusive to Ibuki, he utterly destroys me more than any other character almost regardless of who I play… read the matchup info on him, bu I was just curious as to if anyone else has a bit more insight into the Boxer.

For Boxer and i am still really learning the fight as well but remember Hit and run and when you have the life lead make him come to you
bait with max range slides
punish stupid dash punch’s with LP neckbreaker
work the timing on punishing ex dash punchs with a radia,but most of all work max range kunai’s
it’s a poke when you can grind no doubt.
If he gets in and puts them “Thangs” on you,your going to lose.
Last but far from least,sweep his god damn sweep every time.

On another note, how do you guys deal with people that like FA on your wakeup? Just backdash?

Usually just backdash, depending on their reflexes and range sometimes I can get a kazegiri off on them though.

I don’t think regular kazegiri has any invincibility frames though, so it’ll just trade.

Backdash was designed the way it was (invincible from first frame) to stop people from using meaty focuses on your wake up. So yeah that’s basically the best option.

Usually, the people I’ve played against, they don’t do a full FA to crumple you, they do a level 2 FA so just in case you do something, you’ll get crumpled so I’ll either block or backdash.

-For those that use U1, how do ya get it to land. I’ve only been able to do it after a FA or after HK command dash cross up on their wake up, and since that’s so gimmicky I’m sure that’s not gonna happen for long. I know that a blocked buttslam and a block DP > FA cancel will land but I don’t see those situations often.

S’why I said it’s unreliable… it catches people occasionally though, mostly for casual use, probably shouldn’t have mentioned it.

Basically the two you said and occasionally on an empty jump I can catch someone… super gimmicky though, yes. Other than that, just using it as a punish.

Has anyone found anything useful for this?

Looks like Zangief has already reset before you got down on the ground and that they have frame advantage. If that Zangief was moving I think you’d get thrown the instant you landed. Not sure. :smiley:

What do you mean a use? You’re jumping over him, you can either empty jump or cross him up. That’s the use.

I believe if you regular dash forward, and then super jump you land RIGHT before they wake up, im sure with a very small pause after the dash it would safe jump. Gonna guess and say hk/mk command dash puts you in cross range.

i still don’t fully understand how it works (is it unblockable? how fast does it come out? any invinciblity frames?), but i’ve managed to land it vs people jumping in with late attacks (got a balrog going for a jFK), I get people by neutral jumping alot, or just jumping in as if to combo, then land and ultra. full screen ex neckbreaker will whiff, so i land it after that. Any opponent that fadc’s a blocked move then dashes forwards, u can catch them with it then…

and obviously tons of moves that you can punish (blocked tatsu, adon dive kick, etc).

Ibuki’s Ultra 1 essentially has the same properties as a grab. It’s unblock-able, has a 2 frame start up time (so you can use it as a reversal if you’re lucky) and only works on grounded characters. Thus people who can jump away don’t get grabbed you get the fireball of glory hit instead. It seems to do a fair bit of chip damage if you’ve almost wasted your opponent and you know you can hit him with it.

Most times I use it after a blocked j.lk, a blocked vortex kunai, or on the other players wakeup. You can also use it to punish supers/ultras so long as you’re close enough for it to connect. You can also pull it off after a successful FA.

Now i’ve been curious. I’m trying to keep up my pressure game with Ibuki instead of playing bait and punish because I realize that she’s more of a rushdown character than a defensive one.

I can do the .lk.mk.>x2df.hk SJC follow into overhead…etc. pretty well and I can get the chase game going but I’m wondering if anyone has any poke/pressure strings they use in mid-near game scenarios. Any suggestions for keeping the pressure up?

Ok so…

I got 2k PP and 5k BP on XBL…then all of a sudden I started losing to spammers. Now I’m at 1.2K PP and might as well say 4K BP.

So, two questions

  1. How does Ibuki effectively approach someone in a crouch guard?
  2. How long should you “turtle” avoid projectile spam in place before moving in?

I thought I liked her, but charge type characters and those with a straight forward projectile are getting under my skin.

The main combo I use are LP MP HP > cRH RH. Sadly, I’m better at pulling it off from a kunai cross up, which means my game relies on my ability to get neck breakers, more or less.

There are some things that have become bad habits, like trying to get wins off f HK spam (it got me to a B rank lol…), but when I’m fighting so many matches where I can only win 1 BP, I don’t know how I’m going to get my rank up other than switching to another main or learning how to play…

The only reason why I’m reluctant to switch mains is because I don’t want to “if you can’t beat 'em join em” and have hadoken/shoryuken fests. I hardly get hit by combos - usually pokes and specials and that’s it.

Anyway, my answers for those questions were

  1. Dash > command dash > grab
    – that’s an easy read though, easy to counter, and only works on someone who is sleeping

  2. I don’t really have an answer. I can slide kick under a lot of them for a long time without taking chips, but I don’t even want to hit the other person because I’ll have to take the shoryuken follow up

Also the main combo you’re using doesn’t give you chip damage on block plus it’s unsafe unless you SJC out, a few better options to consider are:

s.LP MP HP xx Neckbreaker / HK Tsumuji (when blocked use the high ender which is safe, on hit do the sweep)
cr.LPx2, s.LP, S.MK xx HK Tsumuji

A few ways to apply pressure on crouch guards, either one can be followed up with a Tsumuji loop (s.LP, s.MK xx HK/LK Tsumuji, character dependent)

s.MK xx HK/LK Tsumuji (this combo on hit with LK Tsumuji moves you closer to your opponent which is real nice)
(Overhead) cr.LK xx LK Tsumuji (Ibuki’s low pressure, gives you a few seconds of advantage on hit)
LK Tsumuji (quick poke that chips o_O mid range thing)


Thanks for the answer.

Yeah I just heard of Tsumuji loop today. Getting the link is hard, but I think adding chip to my game could only improve it. I honestly think some of these links are even harder than SJC U2 (I prefer U1 - it does something different than “auto combo” and is easier to use imo.) I still have the last two challneges left for Ibuki…is there a general means to practice links?

I already have a thing against being unable to mash the next button any time during the current move, and a lot of ibuki’s combos seem like you can’t just press the next button when you want…

I personally, have given up on 1 frame links. I even rarely do the jab combo (cr.LP, s.MK xx) and usually just resort to pressure tsumujis and hope for a loop whenever possible. And man Dar, there shouldn’t be problems doing the first main combo I listed, it’s just muscle memory and it’s not really a link. It’s worth it getting used to as I’m certain it IS Ibuki’s strongest and fastest startup combo that can punish A LOT of your opponent’s mistakes seeing that it starts up hella quick (3 frames). So yeah!

EDIT: One more common mistake I see from a lot of players is that somehow in their mindset, doing combos makes them better and that’s not true. Specially with SSFIV’s damage reduction in combos, doing these combos significantly LOWER your potential damage output. So in most cases with Ibuki, it’s better to stick with the pressure tools I listed above and try to learn the basic fundamentals of the game so you know which move is more appropriate at a certain time. Just a little something. :slight_smile:

Quick question: are there any other setups for super besides

  1. cl.st.HK xx SJC , Super
  2. Hien xx Super
  3. Kazegiri xx Super

Although option 3 seems inefficient because you miss at least 3 hits of the super, or maybe I’m just timing it wrong.