It’s not an “Serp approved characters” thing. Thor is already low tier so he’s not going to be getting any better from a competitive pov by partnering him with hisen-ko or ghost rider. Cmvs are fun and all but if you’re taking the character seriously you have to go with what works and your Dooms,Vergil,Dormammus are what’s winning right now. Don’t base Abegens Tron team as a platform
True! But not the ease of usability that would consider him competitive top tier outside Thor enthusiasts so as far as that is concerned he’s a lower tier
Yeah but that’s only a top 20 at its peak of gameplay where as other tournament cannon characters in the states are placing better and getting more for less effort.
requiring more effort than vergil/doom/wolverine/wesker means that thor is low tier? lol, its not like playing thor is excepcionally hard. As stated before, people just suck with Thor and no one has his gameplan clear in all the matchups.
Vergil Doom Wolverine and Wesker have no effort which is exactly my point! They’re practically brain dead at to his point in the games life.Playing Thor isn’t difficult I know all this but the thought process is why learn Thor/Doom/Vergil when you can play Wolverine/Doom/Vergil and get the same result easier
Braindead Thor get better results than braindead Wolverine in certain matchups (like Zero and Morri matchups). Not the kind of braindead that 90% of thor players use, safe braindead.
Are the first page combos Thor’s current optimal combos? If not, could someone link me to a video of Thors optimal solo combos please? I would appreciate it.
Also, what are the general opinions on Thor / Tatsu ?
But that’s the difference Thor has to play safe braindead in order to get results. Wolverine can go yolo braindead blow through whatever and get way better tournament results. Against Zero and Morrigan is the only time a Wolverine player HAS to play safe
I think It’s just footdive that’s the problem. You literally have train against them just to know the angles they cross up at. His gameplay is so linear and dry to me. You either get box jump M’d or Footdove lol Everyone should know how to fight Doom and no I’ve never been Bums place.
Hey guys. Im curious if someone could help me with a combo ive been working on. I dont know what I can do for an optimal ender. Basically what im doing is confirm > air series > call Mystic Ray (for OTG) > then im not sure. The best ive come up with is air mighty strike M (full charge) > M Mighty Smash xx Tornado. It nets me less than 800K…and im sure Thor can hit harder than that. Halp?
Charged Strike M>Ch. Strike L works, and so does the smash/Spark M after, for instance. Ray is kinda wack though, so I wouldn’t know anything specific there.
One thing I ACTUALLY agree with you on. We haven’t fully explored him yet either!
I had the idea that maybe I could do something similar to what Epic Fayle was doing on stream with Thor / Purification, but I dont really remember his entire combo to be honest. I was just kind of winging it.