Throwing projectiles can be quite different depending on what character you use. Check the wiki sections:
ST Ryu
ST Ken
ST O.Ken
HDR Ken.
Creepy gay Euro-vibe. Quit calling me cute.
How is it not safe to shoot at the president if you can get away with it?
K, this is mostly for HVB, but you should probably read this too, I guess:
Despite Shari’s glossing over it, proper spacing is one of the most crucially important factors in this (or virtually any) fighting game. What constitutes “proper spacing” depends entirely on your character, what you’re doing, who you’re fighting, and what projectiles (if any) are on the screen.
Certain characters, like Honda, Boxer, T.Hawk, and to a large extent Blanka, have dashing attacks that they can do from literally anywhere, at any strength, without fear of reprisal should the attack get blocked. (I emphasized that to reduce its invisibility for the inevitable two or three clueless readers. Actually, three or four, counting Shari.)
The ramifications of this are massive. For one thing, this means that they can use these moves not only as attacks, but as maneuvering tools as well – especially vs. characters who don’t throw anything. (You see this a lot with good Boxer players, who will boldly come in with repeated low rush punches because that character’s dashing attacks are extremely quick, and because they know that the opponent can’t do jack to retaliate if they’re blocked.)
Cammy is one of two characters (Fei Long being the other) who has a dashing attack that cannot be considered safe on block regardless of where she starts it. In fact, the distances at which she can perform the cannon drill safe on block are very restrictive, even with Sirlin’s changes to it in HDR. This is for a character who already has a tougher time getting close to her opponent than anyone except perhaps Zangief. (For obvious reasons, flying circus characters like Claw and Dictator have the least amount of trouble closing distances. Dictator and Claw players will defiantly cry that they do have trouble getting close to one or two characters, but they’ll say that because their egos are on the line. Another thing you’ll learn about Street Fighter is that certain types of people main certain characters.)
No one who has a safe-on-block rushing attack can just spam it all day long (Boxer comes close), but not having to fret oneself about taking damage if it’s blocked opens up a few choice doors (and allows one significant leeway and set-up opportunities in one’s game plan). I sometimes fool around with Honda, and no offense to our three or four great Honda players here but let me tell ya, after sweating it out with the English woman a time or two, it’s real nice to kick back, relax, and chuck myself all over the screen for free. (You know, unless I’m fighting RyuKen for the zillionth time.)
Ah homophobia.
What a stellar and cute individual you are
Contradicting yourself sentence to sentence i love it you cutie you :3
Cannon spike is safe on block against most non fireball characters too <3 no spacing required.
Took the words right out.
“Cannon Spike is usually not safe on block anymore.”
I can corroborate this, as I am a Cammy mainer.
James Chen will also corroborate this (and has lamented the change several times).
Do you play Cammy? Or is your reaction time just that bad?
Oh your homophobia is just adorable
Most of this game is knowing the properties of the various moves. Picking a main helps to break this knowledge requirement down into bite sized pieces, which can speed the learning process immensely. You also end up having less time to forget things.
Before each match, pick 1-3 things you’d like to work on - for example, “I’m going to work on reacting to jump ins”, “I’m going to watch for whiffed srks and punish them with X”, “I’m going to try to cross my opponent up every time I knock him down”.
Grind only when you’re motivated. I find I learn faster when I’m not depressed, frustrated or angry. If you start getting salty, do something else for a while.
What homophobia? I’m just calling it like I see it. Every time I post on SRK, there you are, with some catty, homosexual attitude about how easy it is to win with Cammy. This is just the most overt instance.
Seriously, quit following me around and derailing threads.
Haha you’re like one of the people that say: I’m not racist but…
On another note you should try to find one of those many posts where i talk about how easy it is to win with Cammy =3
No character is n00b-friendly, it’s just that some are easier to play effectively than others. And without a good defensive game, cross-ups are going to be a problem regardless of which fighter he uses.
Claw more or less rapes most of the cast, and with minimal fuss – he has a fast, ambiguous attack, he can poke from almost the other side of the screen, and because he has a super fast jump and circus monkey flying capability, he has to worry less about spacing and positioning than perhaps anyone in the entire game.
“Learn Ryu first!” is a common refrain. I think it’s solid advice only in that it prepares you for fighting the endless, soul-drowning tsunami of RyuKens that any regular player of this game is bound to encounter. For learning the game in general, you really can use any character you like, and I say you might as well go with the one that will show you the most winning results as you n00b it up. In the very least, that will keep you interested in the game.
Quoting this here, in case you edit your post after you carefully reread what I wrote.
Hint: There’s no comma between “block” and “regardless.”

Quoting this here, in case you edit your post after you carefully reread what I wrote.
Hint: There’s no comma between “block” and “regardless.”
You cannot grasp the true form of MiloDCs? attack!
????? ?Chu??
We might as well make this the Marsgatti Farewell Thread Vol. 2: Now With Even Less Marsgatti.

Certain characters, like Honda, Boxer, T.Hawk, and to a large extent Blanka, have dashing attacks that they can do from literally anywhere, at any strength, without fear of reprisal should the attack get blocked. (I emphasized that to reduce its invisibility for the inevitable two or three clueless readers. Actually, three or four, counting Shari.)
I must ask, how long did it take you to individually color code that sentence?

We might as well make this the Marsgatti Farewell Thread Vol. 2: Now With Even Less Marsgatti.
I sincerely apologize. It seems I cannot post to without some humorless loser with a grudge going on a thread-trampling rampage. Shari and his gay-themed, anti-Cammy potshots are a recurring theme wherever I chime into a discussion. It’s bizarre.
That he’s gay isn’t the issue. I just don’t care for people who like to use their minority status as a badge or a weapon. I mean, I’m black, but you don’t see me going around writing “whatup my niggaz,” posting rap lyrics in my sig, using a Barack Obama avatar, etc. (Though I do admit that I’ve extolled the great beauty of the white woman in these forums, once or twice.)
Anyway, I’m out. If I bail then the Shari-monster is deprived of his munchies. Carry on, all.

I sincerely apologize. It seems I cannot post to without some humorless loser with a grudge going on a thread-trampling rampage. Shari and his gay-themed, anti-Cammy potshots are a recurring theme wherever I chime into a discussion. It’s bizarre.
I mean, that he’s gay isn’t the issue. I just don’t care for people who like to use their minority status as a badge or a weapon. I mean, I’m black, but you don’t see me going around writing “whatup my niggaz,” posting rap lyrics in my sig, using a Barack Obama avatar, etc. (Though I do admit that I’ve extolled the great beauty of the white woman in these forums, once or twice.)
Anyway, I’m out. If I bail then the Shari-monster is deprived of his munchies. Carry on, all.
I accept your forfeit notice.
Finding actual posts to support your insults and arguments was that hard huh =)
On the other hand i am delighted to now know that not only is MiloDC a scrub that cries about everything from turtling to shotos but also a rampant homophobiac and all around right wing nutjob that believes minority groups use their “status” as a weapon.
I recognize you, MiloDC. We had fairly even matches.
Shari just has a hard-on for Mrs. Palin, Milo.
RE: Cammy’s safe drills - the lk drill can be safe, sure, but it is VERY reliant on spacing. If you’re in too deep then you have to start cr. mk’ing just to push the opponent out, at which point you can be open to reversals.
I love this forum. Even though I don’t play much anymore I still love coming here for the entertainment, LOL.