I officially quit shoryuken

RexFisto does have some comic value.

It’s easy to quit SRK.

Take it from me ----aw fuck [SWBeta]. :mad:

It’s not proper quitting SRK until you pull a Sovi3t.

That said, I’m pretty sure Preppy moved this to GD simply because we’d get better comedy value from milking this here than in FGD.

Whether he saw himself out…or banhammered:

Wait a minute:

Does that mean I gotta ban @Preppy for moving things here?

But I think we all got some amusement out of the thread. That has to have some merit.


You are welcome to catch these hands.


This is now a GD thread, AKA, the lawless wasteland of the SRK apocalypse.

SFV is shit therefor you are also shit.

flawless logic.


Buy the official thread t-shirt:


Someone fill me in on the details surrounding this drama?

Well, it’s not Discussion of a Fighting Game, is it? Also: humor value.

I feel like I agree. It is GD fare, and it is potentially entertaining/confusing.

I blame OP for posting a GD (or SRK Feedback) item in FGD. Ban OP if you need, I guess.

:love: someone understands me

I respect it.

So since he has OCD, does that mean he needs to post that he’s quitting 8 times before leaving the house?

@Mangy_Cat you’re the girl gamer that plays SF5 on Twitch, right?

Alphacommando has to say hail mary and type n1gg@r 8 times a day on his favorite white supremacist website, jesustoastmafia before he can eat dinner.



How many times do you eat cornbread a day?