I need a breakdown of Magneto

So not a single person here is capable of answering the original post? Is it really that big of a deal? First board ive seen where people arent willing to help/elaborate/break down/throw in their 2 cents or tech.

cry more

watch omg itz andre. youre running his team. I’ll give a better answer later when im not busy

“watch omg itz andre.”
"'ll give a better answer later when im not busy"

You better xD

Since you’re so lazy to do your own research, why should we invest our own time to help you?

Just came back to this thread after 5 months and never learning magneto. I see it’s had 1k views. I guess a lot of people were where I was and just wanted the cliff notes. Too bad, thread could have been really helpful and concise…

The replies are even more pointlessly ignorant than I remember.

There was never a point in making this thread. There are more than enough resources on youtube and in this subforum so that you didn’t need to make a thread like this. If you want to learn a character, take the initiative and research for yourself because it becomes more satisfying that way. Perhaps ask for specific advice along the way in combo thread.

The first post can be interpreted as you just wanting us to feed you with a silver spoon.

I just don’t see the harm in asking for a run down on a few of his best tools… Call it silver spoon feedimg if it makes you feel justified in not helping, but that doesnt excuse the ignorance. I no one replied it would be different, but so many replies just to be mean and not actually address the questions in the op? Was that really necessary? Searching through hundreds of posts in several different threads doesn’t make a whole lot of sense at this point when every magneto player I see does the same 2 combos in every single match IMO.

You’re not learning a character because people have (rudely) told you that you’re not willing to do some research (which you aren’t btw)? That’s sad. None of these guys had the intention to “just be mean”; they have chastised you for being lazy. One of them even provided you with links to the other threads in this forum.

Reading the other threads and spending time practising a character’s combos, resets, etc. will be very helpful, and from there, you can go about asking others to give you tips, strategies and the like. Asking everyone to tell you what to do doesn’t get you very far. You need to put effort into this game (and this character), and you clearly aren’t willing to do that.

This is why you should check the combos thread :confused: .

I’m still learning how to play this game (cause I lab more than I play), but I’m not going to ask everyone to give me everything in one post when I can just sift through different sections of the forum.