I just love all these MvC2 elitists

They obviously took the visual style of TvC.

I just dont understand the attitude of some of the noobs…

I am a noob (i lurked a year ago but never joined, then joined when i heard about mvc3), and i wouldnt dare come into someone else’s hood or turf and start slamming what they like or trying to force my views on them. its just common courtesy and its called paying your dues. everyone is a noob sometime, you have to own up to it and take it. unless youre a noob with amazing skills and can prove it, or something, the you have no clout or say in anything. it doesnt take long to see how things go around here, intentionally going against the grain just makes you look like a troll and gets everyone against you. and especially so early on, theres no point in arguing about this game. if the “elitism” bothers you, theres always capcom-unity, or whatever websites come up when you google search “video game forums”

in response…

So out of millions of people who own copies of these games you personally know only 3 people who own 3 games. So thats 3 out of a million? Your opinion is way too subjective. You can’t judge a system’s worth on how many games a person owns. Everyone has different taste, the sheer number of available games does not make or break a system and all three have great quality games. But what would you call great quality? A game in HD graphics? Thats not what makes a great game, graphics only enhance the game visually but it’s not gonna be the reason why you keep a game. Also you say games did poorly on other Nintendo systems yet you fail to give numbers. Granted the games on the previous systems did not sell as much as expected they hardley did poorly. Poorly is in conjuction with any game that fails to break even on the games project. Just like a movie has budgets so does games. IF the game breaks even, it was successful but it fails to make a profit and must settle on makign a profit on the games future sales after launch.

This dont’ even make any sense. First off TvC is NOT the only reason to own a Wii there are plenty of good games. If your speaking in comparison to the casual crap games made for the system, thats not Nintendo’s fault, the system is convenient for companies makign games for kids where they are not pressured to sell a milliion copies on day one to call it profit, where as on the Xbox 360 they would be lucky to get past the 100,000 mark due to the systems target audience. But if you were to take all the “crap” games from every system (Games that dont’ sell at least 1 mil copies) Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 have the same number of high quality games (Graphics is not the only factor).

“rehashing” Smash Bros. is no different from games like Halo, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty and many other games that for years have improved in graphics but kept the same old game play. It’s no different than another Mario or Zelda game for each system. All these companies are following the same buisness concept, your only hating because the system is not as powerful as it’s competition but you think owning those systems makes you better than a person who owns a Wii, that alone is childish.

Big ol post deleted… boils down to… Wii is not as good. Not in hardware… not in game selection… not in online play… not in inputs… not in number of people to play with… not in the ports it gets… you can say that some of that is subjective b/c video games are an art from… and use that as your defense… but its empty… I can say from an artistic perspective a lump of shit I found on the ground is just as good as the $20 bill someone else found… i wonder if they’d trade?..

The only people who own Wiis are either soccer moms or morbidly obese, anime-loving manchildren who have never had a girlfriend in their whole pathetic lives and think that Nintendo is incapable of doing any wrong simply because they made Link to the Past at some point.

Seriously gtfo here to mention MGS and tell it hasnt improved over the years is blasphemy. Nintendo has no good 3rd party company selling games and thats why it loose in the end.

If Nintendo had 1/2 a brain they’d be selling ports of their popular games to ps3 and 360… so that they could sell untold copies and make crazy ass money… but they are to stupid for that… they hate making money and love making consoles that go under. And don’t hate me for saying so… its them that have spent nearly 15 years doing so…

TvC is ass

MVC2 10 years strong.
TVC already dying out.

See why we want the engine to be like mvc2 and not TVC?

To me TvC sucks because

A: 3 buttons

B: fuck why would you put this on the wii only jesus christ yalls are dumb

C: uhhhh slower fuck I never played it more than once fuck you

By elitists, he means people that actually know what they’re talking about, unlike the topic creator, who had to make an alternate account to post thinking that others would be unable to see how stupid he is.

I like how the op is just calling out people, then asks for a sticky as if he is contributing something.

Yo don’t mess with this motherfucker, he got you USERNAME all up in this shit an he gon show EVERYONE how much of fool he thinks you is. look out sons, yous days are numbered.

link to the past sucks tbh link’s awakening is the best zelda game

I love me too. All day baby.

the OP has no business attacking the people who have been around forever and contributing forever… and he obviously knew it b/c he created a new account to post under… BUT I will say… more than one of those OG’s listed are currently on a “fuck mvc3 b/c i read early dev details I didn’t like” kick… which is their business… but it hurts to see some of the stronger personalities around here feeding the monster instead of helping guide things in the right direction…

LOL… one of those people got actually banned for being an idiot and talk nonsense about a game he obviously didn’t know about, neither the game itself or the factors around it.

So yeah, go figure…

Pretty sure Fanatiq got banned for something not Marvel 3 related.

These players have all contributed or accomplished more in Marvel than you probably ever will. Show some respect and humble yourself instead of acting like you’ve got some kind of understanding of what it was that made the last Marvel game a 10 year success. You have nothing to claim in marvel. Therefore your opinion is not an authority. Period. Does it sound elitist? Only if your cocky. If you knew your role you’d know better than trying tell an NBA player what new direction his sport needs.

If you don’t know the tournament-level Marvel then you don’t know what the next game needs. It’s not personal, but your opinion is uneducated and misinformed because tournament-level Marvel is what kept this game hot for so long and you’ve got nothing to say on the matter. There are so many things you don’t know that you don’t know.

Fact is they’ve done shit for tvc, and they are already shitting on mvc3, so they don’t know anything about the actual matter.

MvC2 is now NON RELEVANT, since this game is brand new and so far, it seems to be more like tvc, or that’s what the trailer and some statements says, so yeah, their opinions are jack shit.

A TvC pro opinion would be more apreciated.

thanks for the input userid 113955