I Just Beat Up A Kid

I saw these teenagers on the news that tried to rob a group of adults at gunpoint and they got the dogshit beaten out of them. Teenagers know right from wrong so fuck em maybe they’ll walk the straight and narrow after this day.

Unlikely. Probably just increased the chip on their shoulder.

Good job.
I hate scum.

All of them.

Laundromats are apparently pretty dangerous.

July 27 to 29th 2015:



Sovi3t didn’t even cut the kids arm off.
Confirmed soft.

Since me and SoVi3t live in the same city(and I’m pretty sure he lives downtown where you get to meet all sorts of interesting characters) it doesn’t surprise me one bit. Where was this anyways? Wouldn’t be surprised if it was somewhere on Barton…

I remember as a kid my mom took us to a laundromat that had a Tetris machine.

Probably the safest laundromat on Earth.

The good old SRK statement… Pix or it didn’t happen…

I hope you kicked the bitch in the balls so hard that he needs a sex change operation.


You would think it was a Barton story (I have some good Barton Street stories). Happened on Fennell near Limeridge Mall.

psssh…nothin personnel…kid…

You gave him what he deserved. People like that only respond with violence, so you are in the right for beating him up.


So are there any new articles on this? Or no one found the ass-kicking of a shit-bird teenager to be newsworthy? Either, good shit.

Twelve year olds getting boot fucked don’t make front page up here.

You lucky you didn’t do this in the US, because one of them woulda pulled out a gun and shot you. Guaranteed!

That would have only made me mad

GD is turning into gamefaqs

i welcome it

Like I said in the other thread…