I got 43 wins today at my local arcade! (for cvs2)

5 :frowning:

I think Iā€™ve reached double digit wins just once. Other times I get 2-3 game win streaks.

whoā€™s scruby dan?

you play at ubc?!?!?!!?!?!

lol, i donā€™t play at UBC, i play at JZEEā€™S (Johnny Zeeā€™s), and i am chinese guy with glasses, but who the hell cares i am just a scrub :wink:

was this that WHEREā€™S MY RAGIN?!?! guy

Man Hiro was arguing with that guy for DAAAAAAAAAYS about cancelling Akumaā€™s sweep into the Demon - was some of the funniest shit ever. Weā€™re on the machine, doing the cancel, and heā€™s on the phone all ā€˜YOU CANT DO THAT SHIT IM TELLIN YOUā€™. Good times.

I played that guy too. The guy never loses (ā€¦in his head).

I think when I red-parried his super into one of those BS Urien comebacks in the corner, he accepted the loss.
Well, even thatā€™s a maybe.

CvS2 (Arcade): 7 using A-Sakura/Blanka/R2-Bison
3s (Arcade): 20 using Urien
3s (Console): 47 with Urien (95% scrub wins but whatever)

**3s Money Match (3s Console): **

The Deal:
(Me vs my friend)
If I do not lose for 1000 games, I get $20. This is still ongoing. About 10-50 matches everytime we see each other. Now if I lose, he just gets an entire anime series of mine. Mind you, he is a scrub so yeah, easy money for me.

Current Record: 285 matches with no loses.

I am using a mixture of:
[]Sean (SA1)
]Makoto (SA2)
]Ryu (SA3)
[*]and of courseā€¦ Urien

Main 2 are Urien and Yun though.

is he retarded or something

perhaps he is suffering from heavy parkinsonā€™s

because a 1000 matches is a lot of time to adapt

Wow Urien sure is popular in third strikeā€¦

IMO quite the contrary. Urien to me, seems to not be that popular. He isnā€™t used much and he is used rarely in tournaments. Even rarer, is that he wins tourneys. Onanism is the only Urien Iā€™ve seen win a major tourney (Cooperation Cup 2):

Cooperation Cup 2 (Part 3of3):

Other than that, Iā€™ve seen RX win a small random tourney with him vs. Fujiwara (Dudley) in the finals.

itā€™s the guy who after EVERY ROUND walks back from the machine, turns around to look at people (even when no one is around), and smiles to himself so his fans (no one) can cheer for him

haha thereā€™s one of those guys at every arcade

I got 96 wins in GGXX once. I missed all my classes and skipped lunch while doing that too; that was rather dumb.

good shit spidertao

youā€™ve actually given me a good idea, starting next week iā€™m going to have a thread with a post pictures of your biggest win streak of the week

the blackuma dude?

100wins at svgl

the black dude with the gap in his teeth right?

last monday i got a 101 game win streak @ csulb.

it took 7 hours. (w/o a stool i mite add)

the win counter gets stuck at 99 FOR SURE. (at least in the arcade version)

i stopped playing just because of that.

actually everyone all at the same moment decided to stop playing cuz of the win counter not getting higher.

we all took pics with our cell phones.

see i knew i was right, 99 wins is the limit