I.E.SaturdayNight BattleGrounds: thanks SnC for supporting the FGC the last 2+ years (Loc Closing)

Just to let y’all know, indoor pomona swapmeet has a store called gameplay still taking pre-orders for mvc3 and dude said he will release it on friday for those who preordered.

909-865-2900 is the number to the place

Thanks Rynge

I got to preorder it today lol hopefully ill get my ps3 copy tomorrow and probably take it to casuals if yall want

Np Roman. Glad I could help someone out.

I can bring a 360 version if I get a ride.

todays stations as follows 3x ssf4 (xbox BYOC) 1x marvel 3 (Xbox BYOC) 1x tekken 6 (ps3) see you guys there tonight.
casuals will end tonight at 11PM

My stick debut starts tonight rofl.

Expect me to do random focuses because I try to do throws :P!!!

GG’s to every one last night on SF4 and MvC3! im not liking MvC3 that much but ill keep playing the damn thing.

and GG’s at both SF and MvC elim brackets

mando mad he lost to button mashing

I’m loving this game. got my copy today.

GG’s Friday and see everyone Tuesday.

what are some local I.E video game shops? I’m calling everywhere to get MvC3…the wait is killing me

Gameplay in Pomona.

Also M&M games in Upland. Idk how many copies they still have though.

called up M&M since they’re closer. Soooo thinking of dropping my Special Edition preorder at gamestop and going with the regular version

lol it’s just a day more :(.

MVC3 starting to piss me off


After some kid made a BS comeback on me with Dark Phoenix and X-Factor I knew something was wrong. I still love the game though, it’s better than SSF4 in my opinion.

alright guys 15th is almost here… the setups we will be using for MvC3 as follows 4x xbox 1x PS3
we may be packed so come early if you can. and BYOC (bring your own controller/joystick)
live stream will begin at 7PM @ Justin.tv

also can some one bring a extra 360 copy that we can use? let me know thx.

also ill be picking up my second copy tonight at a GameStop if any of you guys do the same feel free to spread the word about SnC. it always good to get more people informed about the local scene

I’ll swing by Friday.

I can bring my copy tomorrow

yes please do sir.

on another note. i found out this morning that gamestop broke street date for mvc3. they were already selling it since Saturday WTF. when i got there at midnight there was no one there LMFAO. its a good thing i already had 2 copies of the game.

GGs all!