Hwoarang Combo Thread 2013

I did not think these would be possible. Indeed, they are slightly better than some already-listed combos.

Already listed.

I have listed: st.MK>MK>df, st.HK xx qcb+HK (361 following raw launcher)
I think it should connect in any of the same situations, right?

Cool, I hadn’t thought to try this before.

I’m not sure if it’s fair to call that meterless, since it requires an EX charge, though you can at least charge it up after a Hunting Hawk knockdown. I will make a note of these, in any case.

I never managed to connect this before. I wonder if it’s a new combo due to the cr.MP buff in 2013 or if I just suck at CADC timing. Edit: It works in 2012.

I still need to add super art combos. I previously thought they wouldn’t be worth it due to scaling, but then I found out that they actually don’t scale correctly in combos, making them worthwhile in some situations. Unfortunately, this also means that I have to test the damage numbers in-game. I’m leaning towards not including cross art combos, but we’ll see.

Good stuff. I’ll update this thread again when I have some free time.

Awesome. This will be my new bnb off a launcher, for sure. With the added bonus that it’s easier to execute in my opinion. No messing around with quickly cancelling special step into hunting hawk and constantly risking autocorrect screwing things up.

I think it should be listed as meterless but simply requires a counterhit. Certain set ups into this combo would require a bar such as a boost chain xx ex cadc, reset into CH fwd. mk, though. Which now that it comes up, I’ll need to implement into my game. A jump in corner only punish with this reset does 761 total with 1 bar!

I do think we need to make note of all of Hwoa’s optimum combos into cross arts considering how powerful they can be. Ones that basically deal the most damage with the least scaling. Maybe instead of listing final damage which would be partner dependent, we could maybe list the damage on Hwoa’s end along with the scaling % by the time his partner jumps in? Or even damage ranges such as [least damaging - most damaging] cross art. Anyone know who has the weakest and strongest cross art as the incoming character, by the way?

This might sound obvious, but scaling for SA/CA sometimes doesn’t matter, when the extra damage will win you the round/match.

@Dungeonman Can you confirm that you tested your overhead combos on a crouching opponent? The force stand animation causes some extra pushback, so it can make a difference.

Also, could someone please give me damage numbers for these?
CH (FLA) hcb+P, [1f] FLA MP>MP>f, FLA HK xx hcb+PPP
CH (FLA) hcb+P, [1f] FLA MP>MP>f, FLA HK xx SCDC, cr.MP xx hcb+PPP

@Dr. Grammar, i tested out that combo you wanted me to. The only thing is all 3 hits of hh will it if you do it in the corner for 335, midscreen it will only hit twice for 300.

It sounds like it’s the same as 2012 then. Thanks for telling me.

First post has been updated with Dungeonman’s findings as well as a new section for counterhit combos. There’s also a new juggle ender that’s particularly useful for low launchers and corner juggles: st.LK>MK>df, st.HK xx qcb+HK

edit- post moved to a more relevant topic

learned something from Qs_frenzy on psn, idk if its old or new but its really interesting…

(high & low kick combo) mk > mk > cr.lk > hk > hk.sky rocket, cr.lp xx

from cr.lp/or/cr.lk u can continue with…

cr.lp > dynamite heel, special step > hk.sky rocket (mid+corner)
cr.lp, cr.mp, cr.mp > hk.hunting hawk (corner)
cr.lp > mp > mp > lp/mp.special step > hk.sky rocket (mid)

…go try it out!

btw it still works even u start of with a cr.lp or cr.lk or standing lk to high & low kick combo :
cr.lp > mk > mk > cr.lk > hk > hk.sky rocket, cr.lp > dynamite heel, special step > hk.sky rocket

Hwoarang post launcher which works off only certain launchers (failed with Guys worked with Laws)

FLA mp mp xx mist step xx HK sky rocket (365 damage)

Only 4 less damage than the other one and i can actually connect it, after mp mp CADC the roundhouse always whiffs for me D:

Thanks for the tip. These combos connected for me:

cr.LP~st.MK>MK>d+LK>HK xx dp+HK, cr.MP xx qcb+HK (296)
cr.LP~st.MK>MK>d+LK>HK xx dp+HK, cr.MP xx dp+HP xx hcb+LP, dp+HP xx dp+HK (305)

cool, i didnt know that the cr.mp can still make it in that opening window after srk+hk

and i just realized that u need a pre (cr.lp or cr.lk or lk) to start off the combo so the cr.mp can hit after srk+hk

Post launcher which deals 357 off of a raw launcher but ends in a hard knockdown allowing you to charge up a counterhit/do a post hunting hawk oki setup

Lp Dynamite heel, st.Hk xx Hk Hunting Hawk

Not sure if it works from everyones launcher

Works with Ken’s Launcher, gonna start using this, nice one!

off juri’s pinwheel you can do command dash xx Hk.Dp, Lp Dynamite heel, st.Hk xx Hk Hunting Hawk

It’s a lot easier and does more damage compared to j.HK, st.HK xx CADC, cr.mp xx hk.Hunting Hawk

I’m guessing this combo will work with anyone that has a high launch special.

Actually, the juggle limits for switch cancels change when a multi-hitting move causes a knockdown after the switch cancel is used. What happens in this case is that using Hwoarang’s dp+K does not increment the juggle count even though it normally increments it by 2, and j.HK increments it by 1 even though it normally doesn’t increment it. I’m planning to add an explanation about this and then add some of these combos that are more situational.

I was wondering why I couldn’t do a full combo off a j.HK but it’s fine with DP

Don’t know if these are posted but here are some bnb’s that’s I’ve found

cr.LP>st.MK>MK, cr.LP>st.MP>LP, st.HK xx hcb+P, dp+P xx HK (292)

cr.LP>st.MK>MK, cr.LP>st.MP>MP xx hcb+HK (275)

st.MK, cr.LP>st.MP>LP, st.HK xx hcb+P, dp+P xx HK (327)

st.MK, cr.LP>st.MK>MK, cr.LP>st.MP>MP xx hcb+HK (287)

[405] st.MK ~ st.MK,f, FLA MP ~ MP,f, FLA HP xx MP Dynamite Heel, HP Special Step xx HK Sky rocket (if you low confirm with cr.lk/cr.lp its 356 damage)

[380] st.MK ~ st.MK,f, FLA MP ~ MP,f, FLA HP xx HK Hunting Hawk (with low confirm its 339)

[341] FLA MP ~ MP, Flashing Trident, cr.MP xx HK Hunting Hawk

Will probably add more stuff as I find it

Optimal combo is:
cr.LP-st.MK>MK>f, FLA MP>MP>f, FLA HK xx SCDC, cr.MP, cr.MK xx qcb+HK (351)

Please check what’s already listed before posting.