Hurricane Check In Thread: Florida GD People, Please Check in during Irma so we know you're good

I was expecting Monday to be out, today was a pleasant surprise, but getting the word tomorrow as well, while understandable (I still can’t really leave my side of town to even make it in) I feel like when I do get back to work, I will have a shit town of work to do.

As others stated, reporting him. But personally, I would document/save all communications between your supervisor and yourself plus yourself and HR, and on the low start job hunting. If shit goes sour, you will want proof that you did everything the right way if court is necessary. Or you might luck up and get a better gig.

I think I’m going to have to speak to a lawyer or something.

First day back to work here in Brenham and we’re closing 3 hours early, thank god.

What’s the situation in south Houston: Sunnyside and Pearland?

Now extended

Truly the Prince of all Sayians!!
God bless him and others for donating and helping out!

So I gotta get back to the office tomorrow… I don’t even know if I can access downtown…

I’m sure you can…I think the weather has gotten better but the streets may be abit flooded

Tekno, that is some fucking Bullshit your employer been putting you though.
I am sure there some law being broken there.

Went to work this morning with no problems but I live very close to my office downtown. Nary a soul to be seen…

Some of my coworkers living past the beltway are having problems though.

This is not a good thing to do to your employees

Does your company let its employees look at the financial statements?

Private industry is cut throat af. My advice to @“Tekno Virus” is that you can’t want the job more than it wants you. Apply for jobs bc termination seems inevitable. I’d halfway resign before they get to fire you.

I don’t think so.

I don’t think they’ll fire me but they will verbally abuse their employees with no restraints. One girl from Japan used to cry after every instance and she would run to the bathrooms and punch the wall. To this day, there is still a hole there so they say.
I’m doing everything that I can to get out of there.
My coworker got some weird emails while he was evacuating his family, wtf…

Well shit that’s easy,if termination is inevitable then why not call unemployment? I mean unless you have a record of being late and absent 90% of the time you should able to, my mom used to do this every time she was “fired” without any valid reason. But on a serious note the only reason you would probably stay at that job is because you probably feel as if there is no other one with the same benefits, sometimes man some jobs just aren’t worth that kind of hassle, so quit or wait till they fire you…imo wait till they fire you that’s when they will fuck up.

Some jobs I really can’t stand when they like to take advantage of their people like this…DEFINITELY during a time like this…

Speaking of unemployment…looks like I won’t be working anytime soon…plz send monies

What happened?..if you don’t mind me asking

All of you need to hit up TWC, link above

Work is fucked up meign…oh well gonna hit up that unemployment and see if they look out for a brotha. Someone give mayweather my routing #

they were told to mark trees of how many are still inside the house… is that a 2 or 11 ?

More bad news for those in the area.

Chemical Plant Near Houston Warns It’s About To Explode

Exactly what no one needs right now. Everyone in Houston please stay safe.

Well I hope its 11…its unlikely someone would just spray “11” on there, I mean why not just make the number “2” instead of 11 then?