Hugo general Thread

tiny bit more hugo 6 minutes and then 30 minutes.

We talked about japanese not using St.hp enough well theres one entire game of mostly st.hp as a poke.

That hugo is daigo btw, however, in the console version st.hp seems to be way more powerful… at around ~7minutes it loses to sagats that never happened in the console version.

They probably gave it gouken-ish hit properties, in which the opponent freezes for a few frames while the hitbox (st.hp) extends

To be fair Hugo isn’t exactly being shown at this best, what with KSKs winning strategy of ‘jump at my opponent whenever possible’, even if it has failed over and over again.

Where on earth are the new stormkubo vids?

i actually want to see some Katakana De Aoki vids (sp?), he is the numbah wahn Hugo in JP atm, and the only Hugo in the top 100.

Gettin this game in 12 hours. What are some basic bnbs

ultra throw, clap, backbreaker,
heavy clap, medium clap, light clap, lk, light lariat
lk, super, backbreaker
cr. lk, light clap (might be counter hit only)
meatsquasher, standing mp

those are the only ones off the top of my head

c. LP/c. LK xx LP Clap only work on counter hit IIRC. Good to know regardless as a confirm from a frame trap. So the basic combos from it would be:

c. LP (CH) xx light clap, c. LP/c. LK xx light lariat
c. LP (CH) xx light clap, c. LP/c. LK xx super xx backbreaker

Hugo is love. Hugo is life.

Forgot my srk account. made one for the hugo forums. theres an ipgone app out that has the frame data of all the characters in ultra. i got it and it looks pretty legit.

its not free, im sure people will post the frame data eventually but if you dont want to wait there it is. i can post some stuff since i have the app.

Ultra is up apparently. Let’s get those impressions in.

I can’t find it anywhere.

I’m at work so I can’t check, some peeps in the USF4 general are saying it’s available. Most aren’t saying anything at all which just tells me that they’re playing.

Found it. Had to get it from the Xbox website. This download is gonna be agonizing, only at 12 percent thus far.

the game is out for me, PSN west coast. Been playing for a little bit, first impressions:

–clap combos are kinda difficult, the timing is not what i thought it would be, like feisty mentioned. Same with getting clap after ultra throw, timing will require getting used to
–haven’t been able to land meatsquasher, standing MP yet
–cr. jab x standing jab 4 times does 205 damage, wtf
–standing HP is 120 damage, other heavy attacks are 130 damage
–drop kick whiffs on crouching ryu, lame. you can’t move the drop kick either like in 3s
–forward HP will hit standing Ryu but only at distance, 130 damage
–crouching mk 80 damage, claps are 80, 100, 110
–throw ranges seem pretty good, ex ultra throw is only 60 damage. normal throw range is terrible

After ultra throw if any normal is fast enough you can hit them which is kind of funny to do into grabs.
-One bar UT, L Clap, Ex Clap U2 does work instead of 2 ex or 2 L.
-When you’re cornered and you do UT you seem to throw them really far away.
-After UT L Lariat connects but I don’t know if you can follow up with anything
-Still haven’t done after MS either.
-Counter hit body splash, J.hp, J.Hk into L Clap works.

And of course my fucking router decides to disconnect before the download finishes, and there are people sleeping in the room it’s in so I can’t go fix it.


I hope they didn’t remove MS to s.MP :confused:

Wasn’t lariat said to have Super/fadc? Doesn’t work :[

no, it’s there, it’s just really difficult to land. I did it once and i’ve been trying it for like half an hour or so. Still trying to figure out the timing behind it.

its ex lariat only, i think

Honestly it’s not something I’m sure I’d go for unless it’s gonna kill. The restand doesn’t give as good of positioning as far as I can tell.