How was the Gouki code found?

not a LOT… example, level 8 japan is like level 4 usa… i see no difference.

Capcom made a huge mistake with it, now u have ppl like lastscene who will always use Akuma, fuck capcom for it!

Nah, you just got people like Sirlin who wants to balance an already broken character… and fail.

Anyways, these codes were released in magazines back in the day and I’m assuming the companies told the writers. I remember an EGM issue telling how to pick Evil Ryu and Shin Akuma in Alpha 2 Saturn version.

there is a player in Tokyo that seemed to play at HEY arcade daily the few days i experienced, picks Gouki almost every time. he always looked angry too like he had bad intentions. i now forever refer to him as the raging demon.

Seriously, I hope when I get a chance to visit japan HEY! arcade will still be there. I hear all these stories + 10yen Super turbo… Seriously, that’s better than the tourist attractions for me =)