How to scrap a scrub in 3S

a failure. exactly what i am at this game, hence why i said i don’t play it. but i’m really sick of this guy thinking that he’s going to go to evolution and win, and he’ll call me up and just start telling me shit like this… i want to beat him… but as i said… i’m having a hard time beating him… and i can’t get why. he plays me in marvel and i OCV him wit servbot. he plays me in super turbo, if i use anybody but dhalsim, bison, blanka, and ryu, i get double perfects left and right… 3S is the only game i’m having a hard time playing him in…

throw him like 4 times in a row, then when he think he’s gonna tech it hit him with a UOH like twice, then when he tries to block so c. mk and have fun…this is asuming he really is a scrub, if he is any variation of that will work, and he’ll never roll.

he didn’t know the command for parrying, so i’m pretty sure that he doesn’t know the command to roll either.

i can beat him 100% if i use run away chun, but my thing is, i want to embarass him, not just get a win by running. that’s what my prob is i guess, and why i should probably have phrased myself better.

you should turtle but then randomly start mashing he wont know what the fuck

Well, aside from the obvious and easy comment that people will make; ie you’re the scrub, not him, there is a difference in playing against people who aren’t highly skilled.

What I am getting at, is that when you play against competent players there are certain things and play styles you can kind of expect, thus you play the percentages. People without a solid game throw out a lot of random shit that you will have a difficult time accounting for. This kind of stuff makes them appear to play better than they really are.

If it is blatently obvious that this is occcuring, just go back to the basics. I know I was playing a few months back against a someone in a gaming center and I realized the matches were way too close in terms of the final life totals than was really indicative of how this guy was playing.

My fault was not realizing the type of player he was after the first round. Still, I went to the basics; punishing any mistake with a simple completely safe combo, easing off wake up pressure because of constant wake up supers, and just plain patience.

Against a more experience player, I probably would have gotten rushed the fuck down, but in this instance my opponent was just too random and the necessity to reign it in was present.

I don’t know you and I certainly haven’t played against you, so I wouldn’t go with that first option of calling you a ‘scrub’. Still, maybe you need to learn better and quicker ways of evaluating other people’s play styles.

On another note, I wouldn’t call your opponent a scrub either, he was obviously doing what was necessary to win and untill something or someone proves he needs to expand, why should he?

Do you use Ryu? Because if he doesn’t know how to parry you can simply Denjin his ass.
Pick Ryu, build meter, score a knockdown, Deijin, done.

With Chun/Ken/Akuma, I’d say zone him out (which will most likely frustrate him and therefore cause him to make mistakes) then punish him.

yeah, as i said though. i don’t like to run with chun… with akuma, i make careless mistakes, so i’m not even going to complain about that.

i completely forgot about denjin. I’ll try that next time i play him. thx.

@Daidoji Kage

thanks for the input. i think i’m just going to run ryu against him and denjin his mistakes.

what i keep doing, for example…

if i run makoto. i go in to dash kara karakusa, and i get jabbed out, something that doesn’t happen when i’m @ chinatown, unless i make it blatently obvious. or if i’m running akuma, i mess up on timing my demon flips and i get SRK’d for it. if i run chun and just b+hp all day and sa2 cancel off of it, i’m good and i win. but i hate winning like that. if i use ken, i end up trying to mix up with his kicks too much and i get slapped because instead of attempting to block, he mashes on jab.

…he’s trying to place at evo???
I would really need to see a video to help anymore…i just can’t understand the style when he just doesn’t know how to parry…denjin would get it in, or use some akuma rushdown, i guess…how the hell do you know now how to parry and think you’ll place at evo?

his words:
“they’re just fancy shit. blocking and counter work better, and that’s all you need”

as i said. i beat him with chun runaway, or flying around with twelve and jabbing works too, but that takes too long. on me, that shit works, but not on anybody at evo. i don’t play third strike… never really got into it much after i started playing marvel and capcomsnk (which i don’t play anymore either… stopped around 2k3)…
next time we play, if i get to tape the matches i will. don’t mind me, i will be playing like a scrub.

those are some of the threads he’s posted as to why i labeled him a scrub.

Just play the hi/low/throw mixup game after you get a knockdown, and then see how he reacts; a lot of ‘scrub’ players will constantly one only one reaction or two, and you have five things you can do (high, low, throw, block if they like to wake up with reversal moves, or stuff a normal attack). See what they do and what they don’t, and react accordingly. If they react the same way all the time, then you can exploit it by just doing the same thing several times in a row before you switch to something else that they don’t cover themselves on. If they don’t react the same way all the time…then they’re not ‘scrubs’ probably. :stuck_out_tongue:

Add backdash & punish to that list. It works wonders against people who like to spam random shit on wake-up (backdash, EX Hadoken; backdash, super; backdash, kara-Karakusa; etc).

scrubs should be automatic free wins if you play ken. Just build meter, knock him down, and X shippu link him to death.

Playing people who are not that skilled, who are just throwing stuff out (wake up supers and the like) are a lot of times easier played defensively. Since it’s much easier to punish after a whiffed super than try to predict what someone who has no idea what they are doing is going to do next.

So just sit back and capitalize on mistakes, if he is a scrub, he’ll make more than a few.

Why don’t you pick Remy, and just do charge LOV’s all over the screen? Or pick Yang, and bitch slap his dumb ass everywhere. Or, pick Alex and give that bitch the A-town stomp with the tims?

But also remember, he is a scrub. Stop thinking so much and just take what he gives you and counter it back.


Go get your avatar and let me know what you think.

and i don’t use ken because all of CTF uses ken. seriously, if you want to learn to counter ken and you can’t play daigo… go to CTF… in two hours, you’ll come across every below top tier strategy you can think of with ken, and at least half of the top tier strats.

Funny, when I go there aren’t too many kens.


if hes a turtle maybe you shoudl stop making such retarded mistakes like using high risk moves vs someone likely to block all the fucking time.

If you’re looking to humiliate him go with makoto or even better URIEN, urien fucks up scrubs…(seriously)…

He does get a little boring though, but if it’s fast and easy wins go with the underpants man

ummm? pick up a mirror take a nice long look and bash your face in? :wonder: