Lol, that sucks
Ken: mp shoryuken says FUCK YOU to air fireballs due to complete invulnerability startup
T Hawk:
Couldn’t T Hawk’s rising hawk go thru the air fireball if he does it at the very last possible moment? Not a hawk player but this kinda hit me earlier. Rising hawk goes thru fireballs on start up, and if possible, wait till the last possible frame to go thru it. Might be able to nail Akuma in the process as well if you did it late late enough…
Just an idea.
Presumably you can make him land on an attack, right? Do you just mean that you can’t do an attack after he lands? I mean everyone else who jumps or does something that puts them into the air can get hit by an attack they land on.
Heh this is getting kinda retarded, if you can’t even make him land on something.
dont us hawk players wish.
I think its only like that after the air fireball, I could be wrong though.
I mean you can’t make him land on an attack. He has tripguard after doing an airfireball, so to speak, unlike any other jump attack.
That’s so lame. If he does end up getting patched, I’d like to see him get some landing frames on that. Wouldn’t change things too much, but I’d still like it to happen.
I play Blanka, and if he tries to turtle air hadouken, if you’re at some distance (at least quarter screen away) you can just jump over the fireball and punch that nigga in the face for free
I use jump strong air to air simply because it looks cool, but j.HK is prolly better
As for offensive air fireball traps, can’t really say what to do other than block it and Reversal up ball whatever he trys to do next, ESPECIALLY if he’s trying to Raging Demon
reversal eletricity can work if he’s try to tick throw or just hit you, but you eat bad damage if he 1) SRKs, 2) RDs, 3) ground fireball
but go for it anyways cuz zapping Akuma is just fun
So it doesn’t work?
I’m sure many have seen/read this, but for the record I think it’ll be nice to have here. Excerpt taken from Sirlin’s blog, emphasis mine.
I see the Ken suggestion already posted.
Yeah but that was written a while ago, before this:
Wasn’t unscrubscribe talking about the air fireball?
Sort of like Ken after Reppa: I you didn’t hit him just as he hit the ground, try throwing him.
The Rising Hawk seems to at least trade with the air fireball most of the the time.
^ Which strength?
Today I got jump kicked at the end of my raging demon even though I was holding back to try to block. Guess it doesn’t have instant recovery.
I switch up between fierce and jab, at this point I can’t say which one is best for what.
He cant do jack shit against jump back air fireball. The only thing that MIGHT work and itd be incredibly situational, is a preemptive jump rh. If akuma jumps in (without crossing up) with an air fireball, hawk could do it late i THINK…again, itd have to be a really REALLY badly timed one since the air fireballs hitbox is ginormous (lol is that a word? its not red underlined) and hawks invincibility frames dont last that long. this match SUCKS for hawk. especially since you cant even safe jump akuma.
Dictator’s jmp against far air fb is pretty good.
If he does jump back airfireball, why dont you just progress slowly towards his corner?
If he does jump straight airfireball, you can hit that with jump straight dive right?
And if he jumps towards airfireball, I guess theres various possibilities like the srk perhaps…