How do you have a steady job and go to tournaments regularly?

Uhhhh… yeah.

Step 1. Get good enough to get to finals regularly
Step 2. Become good friends with the folks who you usually fight at finals
Step 3. Go to multiple small tournaments around the state together
Step 4. ???
Step 5. Profit

A lot of responses here made me laugh haha, thanks guys.

Well, 9-5 was mostly just an example, I do have lots of friends (And myself included) who work 4-5 days a week but my schedule changes a lot, and sometimes I get nothing but night shifts.

A job never held me from traveling, even up to 2 hours to go to a tournament on a Friday night.
Now I have a dog that I can’t leave alone for a weekend, so I can only go if I can find somebody to watch him… missed NEC because of that.
It can only be worse if you have a kid.
If I had a live-in girlfriend, then I could do it more easily, but I don’t… And tournaments aren’t worth my girlfriend living at my place 24/7…

Also - when you have a real job… You earn vacation days. I had put in to take Monday off this week so I could have gone to NEC… but since it didn’ thappen, I just came into work anyway.

Plan ahead and stock up on amphetamines.

It’s easy. Go to tourneys when you’re in college and have part-time jobs. By the time you’re out of college, fighting games will have begun an irrevocable slide into mediocrity and the community will no longer have a use for you due to a sudden influx of mollycoddled nincompoops. Problem solved.


It is not difficult if you manage your time, but you need to be realistic that you can’t be at every tournament

For what i have read on his srk biographers, he is a male nurse

Daigo is male? Surely you jest.

I work til 5 and still go to WNF most weeks… I don’t see the issue, I have enough time to go home, change and shower if I want, eat dinner, then get to Super in time for WNF and usually still even have enough time to warm up.

Yoga Teleport.

Instant Transmission: It’s the only way to travel.

I have a friend who hates a guy from my hip hop dance club who’s also a stripper, because he was at every single party she went to.

But to stay on topic, you honestly can’t expect to attend every tournament while holding down a full-time job, unless you have money stashed away for bills and some for travel purposes.

Considering we only have tournaments once a month in my area, it’s not fucking hard. Having access to holiday leave is how we get to these events.

It’s also not hard to drive half an hour one night and rock up at a weekly. If you live near tournaments, travel is not fucking difficult.

Also, time management. Infiltration plays only 5-7 hours a week. That’s an hour a day, at most.

Stop being a bum.

If you win these days, you don’t need to work. Also, get a Power Glove.