I’m guessing you use Ryu, only read the first post.
If he’s jumping in on you just do DP. or C.HP. Problem solved.
I’m guessing you use Ryu, only read the first post.
If he’s jumping in on you just do DP. or C.HP. Problem solved.
Clearly you didn’t even do that.
Actually yes, I did. I’m guessing he’s using Ryu, myself. He said that Guile is throwing him out of the air, which would imply that he is either:
A.) Jumping towards guile, which is a big no-no. If you absolutely feel the uncontrollable urge to jump though, a spaced-out J. HK would be the best answer for an air-to-air battle. If you’re too close he can grab you out of it.
B.) He’s letting Guile jump in, in which case, like I said, DP is the best option.
Clearly I did read the first post, kind sir. I admit I probably should have just posted this info in the first place, but that’s my bad.
Oh oh my turn my turn!
Do not become airborne.
Seriously though, the proper advice REALLY IS not to jump.
It’s the same way you’re supposed to beat anti-air DP.
Don’t jump.
here’s a different answer. I’m pretty sure you’re saying you play Ryu, but if you play a character that can air throw, your own air throw might beat theirs. (I’m assuming there’s no air tech grabs)
Well its certainly not B, but rather, the OP wants another way to get in on Guile without jumping and eating an air throw, and that’s not realistic.
How about I just tell you to jump in and press Focus Attack and you can tech the airthrow?
No…No… that would be mean.
No, anti-air Guile backbreaker beats other air throws because of hitboxes and the fact that Guile will be lower than the opponent in the air.
Is this discussion still going on? Guile’s airthrow will beat virtually EVERYTHING unless you stuff him before he activates his airthrow. Thats tough to do, so you’re better off just not jumping. In fact, Guile can throw you out of alot of really high priority move that I have personally witnessed (EX Cannon Spike on tip, and Cannon strike). Don’t test the priority of Guile’s air throw, its not worth it.
I appreciate all the replies, I was asking if there was a way to beat his air throw if I leave the ground before him, some people say j.mk and j.hk works, some say neutral jump is a good startegy, I will try to incorporate more neutral jumps in my game. Yes I play Ryu I don’t usually jump that much but I thought an air Tatsumaki would beat it, of course I need to improve my ground game. Thanks everybody for the responses
It annoys me because everytime they do a backbreaker they taunt right after it lol, a lot of Guiles do that.
You don’t need to jump at Guile with Ryu, you can just throw fireballs and force him to throw EX sonic booms and jump in at you.
Hahah don’t let the guile taunt get to you… You have to think of it more in terms of how cool it is. That gets me past it
just don’t jump.
chun li’s jf.mk beats his air throw cleanly
K. mb, didn’t know that.
I think it depends on spacing and jump timing. Seth’s j.mk (which is Chun’s) can definitely beat Guile in the air if he goes for an air throw but it’s not as simple as “I do this move and beat your move.”
Like rising air throw should hit you while Guile is still beneath your j.mk. When Guile is at the peak of the jump I can totally see you beating Guile.
To beat Guile’s air throw you need to hit him with something before he activates it. Yeah, that means toe to toe you cant really beat it. And that also means you need to “predict” he is going to air throw you. As a Gief, Balrog player, early jf lp and jf hp, respectfiully, is good as “stuffing” it IF I predicted it well. The prediction part is about spacing. There is a certain area with the air throw is his best AA because the others will whiff (assuming he didn’t do a Flash kick bc that has hella AA range).
Overall, I believe DONT JUMP, is great advice personally. Any high level vid you will certainly see some successful jumpins on Guile. The advice should be DONT JUMP PREDICTABLY. You just have to get a good read to jump in on him just not do it on auto pilot.
As a Ryu player though, I don’t see why you would need to jump that much at all. All your footsies matchup with his and you have a freaking fireball, hello.