How Do I Beat Yama, Blanka & Vega..PERIOD!

vega >>>>> P groove.

theres no jumping in on him.

standing hk, c.hp, j.hp,, rc jab claw roll, flip kick, air throw.

how the fuck are u anticipate and gonna parry all that shit?

Had a good long post here in response to Vega>P-Groove…
Argh. Must’ve crashed or something.

Ok, to repeat myself and to sum it all up
When jumping, you don’t have to guess whether to parry by tapping either

That takes away some of the anticipation of knowing whether to parry high/low on the ground.

Without RED Parrying (Third Strike for those who don’t know), P-Groove parries are effectively just option selects, reaction, or “psychic” parries due to your opponents predictability.
IMO Reaction is slightly hampered whilst on the ground vs the air just because you have to tap/guess at two directions, whereas jumping it’s just one.

So reaction timing when seeing Vega flinch should hardly be a problem, especially these days when you get people jumping all the time into Sagat’s Tiger Uppercuts, and actually JD’ing them with a growing rate of success, especially for grizzled/die hard P-Groovers.

People like to argue Risk/Reward in the Parries vs JD’s arguement, but few realize or care to note that in the air both are equally hampered risk wise, but reward wise P Groove is clearly superior.

So, s.HK, c.HP, j.HP, j.HK, rc jab roll claw, flip kick are all handled on reaction by tapping forward just once (or more with jab roll claw).
There’s no need to anticipate anything really except that 1st parry which nullifies
57% of your options…(71% if Flip kick is 1 hit, is it?)
85% if you’re good at following up with successive parries with RC Jab Claw and flip kicks (are flip kicks 2 hits?)

The remainder is the airthrow.
In simple terms, just 2 things to anticipate.
I didn’t include the possibility that they offer no parry bait at all, but whatever.

it’s only possible to parry all that shit if your name is VDO.

lol, gorilla math indicates that THATS A FUCKLOAD OF MATCHUPS!

ooga booga


theres one in santa ana. he lands custom by cornering himself, rolling out, and activating.

stop spilling the secrets that i’ve been saving for nationals!

Too good…