How come nobody is playing tag mode?

Tag mode is the shit.

People swore it’d be broken, but it’s waay far from it. Assists and attack tag ins are just too expensive for them to be a serious “problem.”

4-Player 2 on Tag Team is the most fun I ever had in a fighter ever, and easily the best feature in a fighter ever. It reminds me of playing KOF2k2 and MvC1 on Kaillera where there were different versions of the game that supported 6 players/4 players. Loads of fun.

yeah, people say it’s broken because of QCF and QCB tag, but it causes meter and u would also want meter for ex moves, breakers, and super. also, if u have been watching matches, they end really quickly because this game is encourages aggression and damage per full punish bnb combo is between 35% - 45%, if touneys play teams, where they have to take out 2 characters, it would be the perfect length.

Ive started playing tag mode because of this thread and its a ton of fun, you were right

games last longer too which is really nice if its taking a while to find people

insert “THERE YOU GO” Mike Ross soundclip


Some characters that are normally pretty weak actually become somewhat useful in tag too. Sheeva is pretty lacklustre in 1v1´s but in tag she can help set up unblockable combos and 90%+ combos.

tag mode in this game is awesome… NRS better be working on the fucking netcode