How can I do Akumas ultra/super faster?

It works, but it doesn’t benefit your overall execution, and if you plan to do 'itabashi’s later on, you are going to have a tough time getting it to work. But this is a valid way to get a demon.

I feel like im being trolled… in the slight chance that im not, ill respond…

Learn to do it right and learn to anti air demon… west, shin akuma, loltima, loyal sol, bokkin myself ect have put in the hours to learn to do it right and I?m sure like myself these players can demon/anti air demon/karademon all day in our sleep, without mashing and without jabbing the opponent, 100 times out of 100.

I can almost guarantee you that all of these players never use the shortcut buttons (ppp and kkk) because those buttons aren?t really supposed to be there. It?s kind of cheating and if you get used to using them and you go somewhere that doesn?t have them (an arcade machine) your game will fall apart. Again if you are a casual player that?s fine to each his own but if you plan on leveling up your game I suggest you learn to do it the right way.

There isn?t a mash/shortcut for cross up tatsu/vortex, you just have to learn the timing and know when to do it.

I understand it may feel odd short cutting the notation and that pros do it legit…but why is the legit method better? In fact it seems inferior. Take out the mashing and strive for perfectly timed execution and you still have an easier sequence that can be precisely executed between 2 buttons, with a much smaller risk of something going awry.

As for the don’t use 3 button binds, it’s part of the game and as long as they’re available why limit yourself? What benefit is their to doing a complicated method to an equally accurate simplistic method? I for one have nothing against binds (macros however yes…for obv reasons) in pro level play.

Also think of how many short cut methods are used in SF; piano keying, plinking, tiger knees, tri-jump, etc… If anything searching out shortcuts and abusing them has always been a staple of high level play. Unless someone can give me a valid reason why this input is inferior within the games mechanics, I can’t see a reason to ever do the legit way except out of being elitist.

The reason you wouldn’t opt for shortcut methods is when accuracy becomes an issue. If mashing out a haduken results in accidental shoryuken, it’s a method that should be avoided since it can’t be controlled as well as doing it proper. However this method has no draw back to mashing when compared to the legit method.

(the argument on what if you don’t have 3p/3k button is valid to a minimal degree, but in contest to that I state you’re playing a gimped version of anyone when a foreign controller is given to the user. It’s like asking a stick player to play on pad, there will always be a preferred controller and you can’t be asked to play equally on all of them. At a tournament you will always being one that resembles your preference.)

haha alright playboy, do your thing.

I think I’m just asking for a legit argument on the matter, being as I’ve stated my low skill level in the game and chance off err. I’m getting a lot of “wtfs” and not reasons why not to use it…which leads me to believe…there’s no reason not to use it.

Curious though, what’s an “itabashi”? I assume it’s some method or set up that may not be beneficial for this method?

I’m posting this all as to learn, not tell you the legit way is necessarily wrong, I’m just checking my mechanic logic. I plan to play past a casual player level, I’m just simply not there with this game yet.

honestly, there is nothing fundamentally flawed with the logic you’ve come up with.
however, because you say you want to be better than casual, “mashing” out 3p/3k will result in unwanted things, or unwanted REACTIONS.

the 2 button difference is marginal because on stick, you just have to extend a finger or two. the SSF4 system is very lenient, so you may end up getting a HP or HK on accident.

i mean, play against people and try it out. if it doesn’t work 100%, then i would opt for a better option. it’s entirely up to you of course, and finding out ways that work for YOU is what’s important.

Yeah I do it without mashing, but I have tested it with mashing just to see if it works so I figured it’s worth posting. I plan to use the method with precise inputs, however I still do the extra forward motion on the second press with Super, because it feels natural for me to tap the joystick in unison with each button press.

Also is their a difference using a kara with .hk over :r:+mp? I saw videos of someone doing .lp > .hk kara into Super, but I didn’t know why since it seems pretty easy to do lp>Super (tho i fuck up and do it too early, maybe thats why the kara is needed?)

hk gives far more range. Yes I can do anti air demons in my sleep as well. But I gave you guys my itabashi slayer method which is alot more practical with 3k (you can just press lk+hk, but the 1 button 3k makes it easier). But I do have to admit I have mashed out guaranteed ultras on block before. Wiggle between down and down/back like you’re mashing a shoryuken and just mash lp+lk+hp. Make sure to use d/b and not b, because you are likely to get out a backdash/throw (throw prioritizes over ultra).

This is an itabashi [media=youtube]S6PylqrGT4c[/media]

This is an itabashi [media=youtube]S6PylqrGT4c[/media]

Hmm seems a variation on the 3p+3k method should work for that as well:

start from s.hp
3p, 3p, 3k(plink 3p)

The risk here being an accidental focus attack if you mistime the plink and do a double press. I’m not at home to test, but yeah… I’ll report back when I get home if it’s viable and if I feel it’s easier or not, cuz this one was giving me issues doing it the normal way.

Wow so I went home and practiced it and I’m amazed with the results after struggling to find the perfect time and method, but here it is:

The EASY Ikabashi:

starting off a s.hp
3p, 3p, :r:, 3k, 3p

Here you use 3p to start the hp, tap 3p at about the extension of the punch and tap :r: as it is about finished. Slight delay to make sure hp is finish, hit 3k and then 3p a slight second later (plinking is too fast for the kara to start). EXTREMELY easy to do and accurate. Your inputting the sequence VERY slowly so you have a lot of time to focus and confirm the setup.

If you feel that the 3p, 3p, :r: is too slow and awkward to three or more 3p taps inside the hp animation to keep the buffer alive.

Edit- so I found there are times this is superior and times this is inferior to standard method:
Any Far hk kara
Any :r:+mp kara
During normals/specials that can Super Cancel
Jump ins
Demon Flip>P (that doesn’t land at FAR HK distance, other wise it’s superior with a kara cancel)
As a link after normals when a :r:+mp or Far hk kara are not preferable

After Focus Attack lvl2

The only time this becomes a bad way is when the final inputs cannot be used to cancel a move as a Focus Attack, taunt, or close hk sill occur instead. The Focus attack follow up is debatable because you can buffer lp, lp. :r: during the dash and tap lk+hp, however you can also simply change this up by doing the :r:+mp kara after the dash since you have plenty of time and would actually give you more time to think.

so yeah…scrub method is actually BETTER in some cases and is fully viable.

Keep in mind the :r:+mp is a fully mashable version and in fact should be mashed as fast as possible. :r:+mp can only cancel into ultra and super and there’s no risk of any other input coming out. You do not have to mash if you choose not to however. The HK kara on the other hand, uses no simultaneous presses (key factor!) and actually is a rather slow movement that can be broken into two parts (3p,3p and :r:,3k,3p).

So yeah…n00b find ftw.

I’m starting to think you only have 2 buttons on your stick lol. You just copied my method but used 3p and used far standing hp which has a long total frame count and you have to be real far and then the super most likely won’t be close enough unless you cancel the 8th frame of the HK…

Well it was me hybriding my :r:+mp method to adapt to be able to do yours, which simply requires not doing simultaneous presses. Give it a try tho. it is legit and you might actually prefer it.

I think this NEO GEO 6 button dpad will make executing the demon faster. Can’t wait to test it out.