This has to be the most ill informed and ignorant article I’ve ever read.
so why post it here?
What is knights of gaming…and why should I care if he’s only a casual fan?
60 people like his site
Why is he being acknowledged?
What a fucking imbecile.
This article is mad biased and nobody should take it seriously, but it totally lost all its credibility when the guy said,
LOL wut? Karl wtf? Dat gay porno comment was absolutely ridiculous lol. Bro, stop…
Nobody here should get worked up over what some dude says about our community. I love the FGC. If he doesn’t care for us and he wants to make biased, wrong comments about us, then he can fuck off. Simple as that. /thread.
seems pretty legit to me… not to mention the game i play is better than what ever you do… your game is ass etc.
You know how it is. Articles like this gets passed around and BOOM, its on Kotaku for them to agree with and praise.
If you don’t like something, don’t give it hits. If you want to start a discussion of a subject, go beyond just posting a URL.