Horizon: Zero Dawn (Now Out!)

Just need to co-sign everything folks are saying.

The Cauldrons are an awesome change of pace. Having fun fighting the different machines is great. At one point, I set up Rube Goldberg style series of traps to take out my first Snapmaw for a quest. This game is all kinds of fun.

For folks just getting started - DO NOT underestimate that Tripcaster. Set one up before a fight and most likely it’s gonna save you.

Also get the skill that allows you to disarm your own traps and make sure to farm Blaze when you can.

You ever set a trap for a Snapmaw and sit on the other side watching it slowly walk up, just waiting for it to trigger it, only to have it suddenly lunge 300ft and take your head off?

Me neither.

Gotta have that Shock Trap in the bushes with you just in case. B)

I just finished my first cauldron. Almost didn’t make it past that boss until I remembered to use my traps and then move in with the Critical Hit skill. Yeah, it’s definitely important to use your full arsenal of weapons and skills. I’m starting to get a better grip on the combat and it’s really opening up, letting you decide how to defeat fuckers. This game is so fucking rad.

Yea, things got much better for me when I stopped neglecting other things in my arsenal. That slingshot weapon comes in handy.

That moment when you figure out the best way 2 take down a machine just feels so rewarding. Took down my first storm bird today. Thunderjaw is on another lvl tho. I took one down but it was only because some soldiers were fighting one and I joined in. Still ain’t taken one down by myself yet but looking forward to figuring it out.

So does this game have a pretty good/extensive Beastiary?

Still wondering if Aloy was based off of Madeline Stuart


Just kidding, she looks better in movement than some of the pics showed earlier, BUT her young self totally looked special. Probably why she was an outcast to begin with XD

damn, she got a dbz forehead

One thing I’ve noticed is just how “dangerous” simply going from point A to point B can be. You can’t just follow the road and expect minimal encounters. Heck, I seem to get into more trouble by following the road.

This! Going anywhere can get you fucked. :rofl:

There are flipping alligator robots that breath ice and crab ones that go ham with ground pounds.

To answer your question, yes.

Some more photos







I want to try to get some action shots, but I keep forgetting when I’m battling fuckers. There’s a lot you can do with the photo mode and I probably spend way too much time with it. I want to use one as my PS4 theme when the firmware updates tomorrow.

All I’ve taken photos of are the game’s god rays. This engine does really great looking god rays.

Anyone else spend time hunting animals? I was surprised how important they are for crafting.

Hunting animals is second nature at this point.

I’m Level 21 heading towards Meridian.

It’s so satisfying smacking small fauna with the R1 attack.

I trample them.

Any tips on the skill tree?

I think getting to Tinker will be important so you can switch elemental buffs to weapons without losing your mods. That way you can switch on the fly depending on the situation.

I’ve found Critical Hit to be very useful too.

Yeah I was thinking that too as soon as I read it. I started off grabbing the Concentration, Silent Strike, and the first forage skill that leads to Tinker when I first got my points but wasn’t sure what else to get. I looked around ign was saying to get lure call but I was like shit I can just pick up rocks for that shit lol. Now I fucked around and got all the 1 point things just for the fuck of it. Gonna grind a few levels out later tomorrow to try and get tinker asap.