The percentage number under the health is an some kind of damage indicator as well as super meter indicator. When it reaches 100, yes, you can do a super move. Also, if timer runs out, the person with the higher damage output percentage is the winner regardless of health from what I’ve tested.
Current characters in the demo are as followed:
- Reimu
- Marisa
- Ichirin (New character with cloud summon attacks)
Ichirin is a close-quarter fighter from what I’ve picked up and as one, she’s hella good. Every character has a special ability as well:
Reimu - She’s able to teleport to the other side of the screen if her back is against the wall and dashes back against the wall.
Marisa - Has 3 stars next to her spirit meter. Every special move or Y bullet (her laser) she preforms adds one star to this gauge. When it’s full, her next special move or Y bullet gains additional properties, such as damage or wall slam.
Ichirin - has a rage meter (similar to K-Groove in Capcom vs SNK 2 or the rage meter in Samurai Shodown) that fills up as she gets hit. Filling this meter causes her to temporarily turn red and deal additional damage.
Some other notable things to be aware of in the game as well as it’s systems:
[]Immaterial and Missing Power-style spell cards declaration system. This involves “declaring” spell cards before you’re able to use them. Declaring a card comes with a delay. Unlike in Immaterial and Missing Power, more than one spell card can be chosen per match, but once one spell card is declared, you cannot use a different one until you use up your declared card or time on your declared card runs out. You cannot actually declare until your “Blue life” (which increases based on how much damage you’ve taken) matches with your current life.
[]“Ultimate spell cards” (actual name unknown). Hitting opponents fills up a percentage under your life bar and getting hit lowers it. Once it reaches +100%, your character emit a golden aura and can use this special spell card.
[]The Limit system (for limiting combos) makes its return from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Hisoutensoku. Unlike in those games, reaching maximum Limit does not prevent you from getting hit with spell cards. When you’ve been Limited, you enter a White stun state that renders you invulnerable to normal attacks while downed, but not spell cards. If you get hit with a spell card, you enter a Red stun state where you’re invulnerable to everything while downed.
[]“Instant Guarding” (actual name unknown). As normal from the other Touhou fighting games, guarding attacks can chip away at your Spirit gauge. However, if you guard right before an attack hits, a blue barrier will surround your character, the opponent will be pushed further back than usual, and you will take less Spirit damage. If you Instant Guard the first hit of a multi-hit attack, you will automatically Instant Guard the rest of the hits in that attack. However, if you block the first hits of a multi-hit attack normally, you can shift into Instant Guarding by tapping back during the blockstun.
Most of this was taken from the Touhou Wiki as well as testing to verify.