Eh I dono. I was just playing there today, and the sticks seem like trash. Nothing comes out reliably for me.
um, they’re fine to me and everyone else for the most part. probably just got to get used to them a bit more becuase you’re used to the sjsu sticks. just stick it out and play some good players if you want to get better. or you could just wait until the semester begins and hopefully the pros will come down to play, but svgl is where it’s at for most people since it is a lot closer.
I prefer the japanese sticks, even though I been playing on happs for the last 5 years.
Eh, maybe I am just too used to the SJSU sticks. These seemed way oversensitive, so I was randomly jumping in the middle of links. W/E, It was too crowded to get a good test feel anyway.
actually, last semseter i noticed one of the sticks doing the random jumping thing.
the up is a little sensitive. I think eric replaced a crappy stick with a crappier stick.
I was talking the golfland sticks actually. But yeah, the SJSU sticks are a pain to get used to after using a pad all summer as well.
Can anyone tell me how much T5:DR is and if anyone really plays? When are people there anyway? Also, what version of drummania do they have (and how much is it?)? Sorry for all the questions; I’m going there next semester and I’m excited but I don’t know what to expect from the arcade.
I was there last week for a BlueBallz gathering, and it’s mostly empty. There’s only one 5DR cabinet, and I think it’s 50 cents. The Drummania is 9th mix, and the rest of the stuff is the typical fighters you’d expect.
T5DR is 25 cents. The only fighter more than 25 cents is SF IV.
Was there last night empty as hell.
It doesn’t get busy until school starts, which is Monday.
monday is gonna be a fun day for sfIV.
that’s quite the understatement hahaha
I’ll be there on monday, I need a break from svgl.
I was there Thursday afternoon and it was busier, had some people to play but I keep hearing Monday is the day to go, I’ll have to check it out.
So is the consensus the Sunnyvale gl machine is no bueno?
dammit…i cant drop by monday
i’ll go on tuesday
i’ll be there monday after work. so if anyone wants to game between 5-8, be there.
-crackiddy fiend
i will be try to be there early between 11 and noon tomorrow.
When are we getting our Sanwa replacements? If at all?