It takes time/effort to be good with Zangief in high level play.
I don’t mean good against noobs
It takes time/effort to be good with Zangief in high level play.
I don’t mean good against noobs
I got hooked on Zangief way before the Gief hype, so don’t count me in the bandwagon.
BTW I play a terrible Zangief (lol)
But you definitely have a very good Blanka :tup:
That’s because no gief wants to play you Ego. GTFO ya fat bastid!
I hope people keep picking Gief because all of the dreaded “character specific” combos all happen to work on Gief… a bad Gief player is combo practice for me lol…
Here’s my best Snake Eyes imitation (I fail miserably):
[media=youtube]yuOzZKMRNfM&feature=sub&videos=5-ifbBJynqo[/media] (Best Zan-gee-yef v. 2nd Best Barlog)
Enjoy homos!