??? why are you pressing down forward then punch? do the proper motion. qcf + p
thats wat im saying
no your saying press df, not qcf
Hitenryu, if your still having trouble with the combo keep practicing. Sometimes I find myself screwing up here and there with the link, but after alot of practice this is how I broke it down. when your linking your jabs and getting ready to rekka just keep this in mind, start the Rekka right after the C. jab hits, or after you release the jab. You might be going to fast for the rekka input, but you have one whole frame to input the command which is alot of time. My rhythm is simple, c. short, short, jab (release jab) during this part I am alreadying doing the motion for rekka than pushing fierce. It just takes practice, you will get the hang of it.
You should try it again–you can’t get a normal Rekka (1) followed by a flaming Rekka (2 & 3). You can only change between LP, MP, and HP once you get the normal Rekkas going. EX Rekkas must be initiated with Rekka #1 since that’s the only one that burns meter.
@ Hitenryu ^ this is easy. I do mine with :mp:
The method your doing: after you do st.lp do :df::lp::r::lp: (double tap lp, just like you cancel cr.lp to rekka)
I have to add this, don’t make a habit to cancel cr.lp to mp rekka as a poke… u will be on -6 on block.
yep i tried it again and you are indeed correct. sorry only been playing Fei a week but he is def the most fun character out of everyone.
Ok i can pretty much hit confim now however whats the best way to hit confirm small hit box characters such as cammy and sakura as the last lp always whiffs.
You definitely want to slow down for this one. The cr.lp xx rekka is not as easy to cancel after this hit confirm but it is relatively easy to do once you get the nac. it’s just something you pick up on.