Hibiki Moveset and Attributes

No she can’t.

My fault, I meant to say as in RC’d… I know a lot of people get this notion that with Rolento’s RC scouter jumps that a jab’d be invinc. also.

I dunno, just asking. Should’ve clarified it earlier sorry.


I’m trying to get a strong handle on Hibiki’s mixups following a knockdown. Looks like she could be a real beast with them. Landing that knockdown could be a pain but it doesn’t always have to be a knockdown it could start with an anti-air then dash up right?

Here’s a string I’ve been screwing with lately

d.LK x 2 xx dp+k (If this hits xx qcf+HP)
(Gotta experiment with two slow d.LK’s more to see if that dp+K still connects)

Well you get that knockdown, depending on what character you’re facing depending on wakeup speeds

dash, qcb+HP (don’t charge it) xx qcf+P
You get that crossup slash while looking open during the dash during the other guys wakeup and another knockdown

Now I follow up with

(slow) d.LK x 2 dash kickthrow

dash, depending on how fast they wakeup kickthrow

walk up/dash d.LK 2 xx dp+K qcf+HP

(slow) d.LK x 3, qcf+LP xx qcf+MP

RC dp+K (after a bit of walking to setup a good safe distance or to make me seem open walking forward) xx qcf+HP

After two subsequent knockdowns the BnB’s usually enough to stun just about all characters you see normally, and you can sneak in the kickthrows (yeah the range sucks but any character’s dash makes up for shit like that and her kickthrow’s saving stun is a nice benefit) if they’re blocking, which easily sets up the ambiguous j.HK followed by her BnB or just mixup any of this with activation and most times the other guy dies

Naturally this changes based on what characters I’m up against or what not, but so far this is what I’ve got as a general idea if I get a knockdown.

Any ideas would be appreciated, seems like this is what Hibiki’d like to do if she gets the initiative.

Does it transfer??? RC’ed, of course…

The dodge itself has 20 frames invinc. Fortunately After the first 3 with furious mashing I you can cancel it into the Essential crunch.
I know the run has like 4 frames invinc. But the backdash sure doesn’t.

Since most rolls have what, Average 27-34 frames invinc. That’s why I asked in this instance.

On the backdash I think there’s 8 frames before your inputs for a jump normal attack register.

Even so, that’s a 1-3 frame startup (due to RC) to RC Dodge (which you can cancel after 3 frames, lasts 20. Let’s say 3) For a grand total so far of 4-6, add about 8 frames after that for a total of 12 to 14 frames so far, then you add the startup of the normal you throw out.

Hell. Let’s throw in j.HP with its 5 frame startup.

17-19 Frames total (between mashing/precision you’re given about… 8 to 10 frames of leeway here, which means that’s easy, which means its applicable)

I dunno. Just food for thought. I DOUBT that it works this way, in my experience it hasn’t. I guess it’s another thing I’d have to test to be sure.


Love her kickthrow. So what if its only got a 44 pixel range? Set it up right and dash mixups work no matter what the range. It doesn’t clear the stun you’ve inflicted, meaning you add the stun damage from previous combo to your throw’s damage and setup the high probability for more. You can easily followup with a jump or superjump HK.

Prefer to do this so that they land near the corner but not really so I either cross them up with HK or hit them when they safe fall, geting a fix on position wise as you don’t have too much time to walk setting up your superjump is hard.

Following up the deep j.HK with a d.LK xx qcb+P xx qcf+HP though is cake.

Anywhere else, if they’re the safe rolling sort, qcb+lp will tag their recovery with just the tip for 1200 damage (R2)

Otherwise you can just superjump immediately after the kickthrow and nail them that way but there is a very slight window for invincible anti-airs.

Gotta test this but if they don’t tech roll after and you superjump I think you cross them up, not too sure. Will test later and edit.

i dont play hibiki, but when i mess around with her i like to use c.:lk: as a trip guard anti cross up into her bnb. i think the hitbox changes her to be shorter or make her frontside smaller.

also :qcb:+:hp: is a good anti air imo. it doesnt hit them at all but she’ll run under them and slash and end up on the opposite end of the screen, resetting the match. good in situations where you didnt react properly to use her s.:hp:/cl.:hp: anti air.