Hi-Def Sprite thread (first post updated! 1/9)

Fixed…? Just playin’. That Guy looks like a drunken master [not that that’s a bad thing]. Good shi’.

Haha. Blakmind, your have a really different but great style!

Lots of great stuff in this thread. BlakMind’s sprites are very interesting, a pretty unique style as far as Street Fighter characters are usually drawn. Lots of very impressive pixel work, too. I think I’m going to try and do a hi-def Felicia. I’ll post it here when I’m done.

:u: Good luck!

[Note: Meant that in a positive way, not in a “That ain’t gonna happen!” way.]

looks sketchy in a way. very innovative art direction. imagine character sprites looking like sketchy drawings.
keeps idea to himself

actually i’ve thought about that before. it would look cool and give a different atmosphere to the characters and the game.

BlakMind: yeah, i like the softer line look so i’m using anti-aliasing. this is hi def after all!

:rofl: i assumed they were just using hard pixelled sprites but with the ability to use more pixels, it’s kinda cool they can use anti-aliasing sprites and not worry about the slight greys, i might have to try one anti-aliased.

I actually did these a hot minute ago but I think they still apply…2 of my favorite characters of all time.



Peace bruthas! :wgrin:

P.S. - I’m loving all the work posted so far…BlakMind’s pixel shit is amazing!

not mine but thought it was preety f’n awesome.

wow! very unique style. it reminds me of something i’ve seen before but i can’t place my finger on it. hope to see more:wgrin:

Scissorman wanted to see a Necro. I made his markings more defined, he looks better anti-aliased though.

Wow, awesome job Blakmind! I love your rough style!

oh snap!!!:rock:


How bout an Effie too? You don’t have to though. :slight_smile:

Man eff Effie, I wanna see Blak’s version of Q. That would be the illest of all ill.

Hatori Hanzo

here’s hanzo from samurai shodown. next is white len from MB and then mai. after those two i’m taking a break


i’m so tired right now

Wow, awesome job as always Poot!

Hanzo is awesome.
He looks still ninja and cool as ever rebuffed.