Tepid is 100% correct, send any issues you’d like to bring up ( keep a civil tongue please) to
GuestRelations@gameworks.com . Another little tid bit for you guys, it appears that there’s not even an option for wincaps on BlazBlue so that’s a small win…right? As always, more to come.
What does a win cap mean, exactly? You get to said amount of wins and A) it stops recording them at that number or B) kicks you off and makes you pay again to play? B, isn’t it?
Yeah its the second one. It kind of sucks to have to give it up when you’re on a roll but the arcade only has one of each machine. So I dunno…seems like a fair trade at the moment, but it makes me sad because nobody can have any EPIC WIN STREAKS.
I see, I see. Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I get kinda bored when one person rapes everyone and nobody else gets a chance. Although being on the other side of the spectrum it would be lame to get kicked off for being too buff.
Since GW is still waiting for BR, will it be targeted for this win-streak rule as well?
LOL Come on now. Sorry but you get to join us in CONFINEMENT.
EDIT-To MIND AND IRON, is Tekken 6 gonna have player cards?
lol win cap. I honestly had no idea you could even do that shit until sf4 at Narrows. Seriously fucking lame. Going on a longass streak/ending someone’s longass is a big part of what makes the arcade experience tight. Remember when Rodolfo got a 100 game streak at Tacoma Mall? So much better than five 20 streaks.
I don’t go to Gameworks because I’m broke as fuck, so rather than send them an e-mail, I’ll just say what I want here. That way I don’t have to use a “civil tongue.” This shit is so awful. How are you gonna get all these games, that really the only have a chance of making money if at least some of us play there (often), then put this win cap on when clearly none of the good players want it like that. Fucking corny. If I were a Gameworks player, I would definitely give anyone who had a streak ended by this shit the option of staying on the machine, even though if my streak ended like that I would probably feel too cheated to even want put any more money into it myself.
Fuck a win cap.
I demand a win streak limit for Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Third Strike. Let’s make it FAIR!
Didn’t know there was a cap… I only win half the round… then he wins the other half.
i lol’d
hahahahhaahhaa who the hell complained about them getting beasted on so much that there should be a win cap thats what i wanna know??? ahahahahahaha fuckin pussy go play something else or just watch…hey how about you leave? not that complicated. these are the people who will never be good because they dont want to take their beatings
better put a win cap on max tune and initial d too man, this shits not fair. if i step up to a game and accept to play the other person it’ll be bullshit if theyre so good theyre streakin on everybody right? HA
no disrespect to elias, i see what youre saying too and its youre a really good player in any game you pick up.
but to people that are going out to arcades where the competition is at but you just wanna play with your little group of weak ass friends or whatever come on man take your beatings or do that shit at a casual gathering. how you gonna complain? lol
maybe we should set a rule of no raping women and children for the first 30 seconds until they get tired of mashing then you can put on the combo exhibition/show the flash…guys that say theyre good or they have this game at home and beat all their friends get no sympathy
I doubt anybody complained. Somebody at GameWorks saw there was an option in the machine, they thought ‘oh this will make the game more appealing to noobs’ and were like, ding! Option set.
I’m not defending it, but I think that the prevailing attitude is that the ‘hardcore’ set isn’t very large, and pleasing them is not going to earn as much money as pleasing the ‘casual’ set. You can blame the Wii for this mindset.
I honestly wouldn’t be too surprised to hear that they make half their money off of drinks.
gameworks makes money from parties/events then the bar/restaurant youre right. the faggy ticket/prize games and cranes are probably the biggest money makers now since indy 500 and sky pirates (that balloon bullshit) are gone. glad they buffed up the fighting, racing and rhythm games though.
usually when gameworks gets a new game its something retarded like a picture machine that breaks hella fast, random shooting game, a rhythm game, or a racing game.
I think they need a new treadmill game so we can get some fatties in shape.
But then, would they cap that game, too? I mean, it’s not fair if the Kenyan guy keeps winning at Treadmill vs. Capcom 4. They’re gonna have to put a 350 mile limit on that ish.
But seriously… if someone is off 'cause it was capped, they’re either gonna put money in and keep playing because we let them, or if some little scrub is whining and wants on the next best guy is gonna beast on him anyway and in one rotation top guy is back in. Scrubs will still complain. Next thing you know GW is gonna disable P2 controls so the scrubs can play against the computer… then they’ll complain it’s too hard because they didn’t get to beat it, 'cause if there’s a cap on BR that shit’ll have my Mokujin for a ghost and whoop their scrub-asses even when I’m not on the machine… it’d be tight if Kenyan had a ghost on Treadmill vs. Capcom 4… =/
Kenyans are broken tier and they should be banned from Treadmill vs Capcom 4. :sad:
I’m going to stick with the apparently unpopular side and say again that bithcing here isn’t going to accomplish anything.
And it’s really hard for me to see how a win cap would affect anyone who doesn’t go there in the first place…but whatever.
Do whatcha like, say whatcha like. I’m still going there and I’m still going to have a good time. Fact I will be there tonight after work, 6pm ish. Hope to see some of you there.
I don’t know about you guys, but being able to get up after 10 wins is a good idea… I mean… I always end up having to piss after 5 because of the tall ass beers I get at the bar.
Ask Adam how many times that he had to go to the bathroom between beasting on noobs like me…
I agree with Matt, you are all a bunch of haters. If anything, this will give TheFUTURE a chance to take a well deserved break from the SFIV machine.
So I guess the Tekken 6 game request form I saw just ment the game was going to be shipped in june, not arive in june …But, after a quick UPS tracking code verification we now know it’s in Detroit but quickly approaching Seattle. They should be here within the week. More to come
Is it there yet? Is it there yet? It’s Thursday evening for me right now… I’m just gonna go from my time and call it at most of the way through the week, now. =)
Also… Mind and Iron… any chance of getting a BR tourney at GW in August? (not Aug 22nd obviously since that’s NWM and my wedding ceremony day)