Help with my combo

I was playing challenge mode and discovered I could make a pretty neat (or so I think) combo that goes like this: Jumping LP into HP (still in the air), LP, MP, HP, Neckbreaker.
Basically, what I’m trying to achieve is a combo that starts with an overhead where I jump in and ends in a knockdown, with good damage and enough time to see if the enemy is blocking before commiting to a move that has a big cooldown, so I can’t easily be punished.
Only I’m having a lot of trouble pulling it off consistently… against a training dummy! A training dummy stuck in the right corner, to be precise.

Are there any similar combos that are maybe easier to pull off? Damage doesn’t matter that much, but I find it’s much easier to land an attack where I’m jumping in on the opponent, because they can’t just sit there and crouch-block.
Should I just practice and practice until I can pull it off every time? It’s so hard to see exactly what I did wrong. I mean when I want to go from the jump directly into the standing punches I’ll have to press them somewhat ahead of time, and I end up just mashing half-circle-forward+HP at the end… sometimes it doesn’t register the last HP and just goes from the MP, which I think is fine, if only I could do it more consistently…

Practice. Also try putting the training dummy on random block.

Yes. First make sure you have your TC4 xx Neckbreaker down (TC4 is the LP xx MP xx HP bit). This is probably the hardest part of learning the combo. Next, go to j.HK, TC4 xx Neckbreaker (I usually use EX Neckbreaker, but w/e). This shouldn’t be difficult, and gives you the jump in option that you want. Just know that this becomes easier the deeper you perform the j.HK.

Next, just start learning the j.LP xx j.HP combo on its own, and when you’re confident in your ability to to do both parts reliably on their own you can practice bringing it all together.

Yes. If I say that this is one of Ibuki’s easiest combos, it’s not because I want to make you feel bad but because you need to know that if you grind it out long enough in the training room, you’ll eventually get it done. There aren’t any counterintuitive tricks you need to know for this one.

If you’re only getting LP xx MP, then your timing on the HP is wrong. Also, if you’re going for TC4 xx Neckbreaker, then you can always go for negative edge on the combo.