Help me out!

My problem is, why can’t you learn the game by playing Honda ? or Dee Jay ? or Guy ?
You could learn the game, AND, then you shouldn’t throw out of window what you learn to start to learn a new character - for example, Dee Jay is a charge character, Ryu is not.
And what Ugo said is true - It’s a misconception that Ryu “teach you fundamentals”. Just go online and play all the ryus you meet - now tell me - how many of them plays zoning and footsies, and how many of them just abuse his srk, fireball, his awesome jumping RH, 3 fr cr jab on wake up, etc ?
The truth is…if you just want to abuse some moves, Ryu has them, like everybody else, you can get easy wins and don’t learn the game. And if you really want to learn how to play, then you can learn it by playing any character.

My only advice that I would give to a beginner, is don’t pick a character that is too difficult to learn. Start with someone easier.

Sure, you have to learn how to beat scrubs in the beginning, but that’s an important lesson to learn as well. I’m not saying engage in advanced, high-level tactics, but start with learning how to play patiently, control the stage, defend against jump attacks, and bait out reversals, and punish. These all fall within the realm of fundamentals, and all are an extremely effective strategy to beat people who spam SRKS.

Name a move that Ryu has that he can abuse without fear of a counter.

And again, Ryu fits this category pretty cleanly. He’s as advanced a character as you want him to be.

Did you stop playing the game before the latest major patch (1.06)?

If so prepare for a lot of changes. you have to re-learn a lot of matchups and your main character as well.

So many walls of text, when the answer is obvious:
